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National Pack Your Lunch Day Videos and Lessons

Make healthy choices as you join Blazer Fresh, The Best Tees for National Pack Your Lunch Day.

  • 1:22

    Move, dance, munch and crunch as you sing about your delicious lunch.

  • 3:10

    Let’s do this! Learn how to make a salad in English and Spanish in this super salad dance video with the Best Tees!

  • 2:18

    Call and repeat about your favorite treats - milkshakes, waffles, and pizza!

  • 11:04

    Work up an appetite as you sing and dance to this 11-minute mega mix of your fave food songs.

Breathing Exercises for Focusing and Settling

Focus and settle your feelings and thoughts with these helpful breathing and other exercises.

Click and Explore For More GoNoodle Videos and Activities

  • Freestyle Moves
    Freestyle Moves
  • Test Time Energy
    Test Time Energy
  • SuperNoodle Competency 3: Coping Skills
    SuperNoodle Competency 3: Coping Skills
  • Blazer Fresh
    Blazer Fresh
  • Pet Pals
    Pet Pals

Learning Center: Social Studies

Learn about maps, calendars and more with these great GoNoodle social studies videos and activities.

Recently Watched

  • 1:43

    Get rid of anxiety and frustration with these relaxing bee breaths.

  • 4:34

    Practice getting your mind and body moving with this calming mindfulness exercise.

  • Sponsored2:54

    Are you ready to complete the hardest maze EVER to appear on the back of a children’s restaurant menu? Dodge, duck, and jump with Rock, Paper, and Scissors before time runs out!

  • 12:28

    Move along to this awesome 10-minute mega mix of your favorite GoNoodle videos.

Popular On GoNoodle

These videos are so popular they're insisting we contact them through their agent.

  • 2:19

    Sing, dance, and PAWty PAWty Party with these supercool cats!

  • 3:07

    Make your arms into angles and lines with this super aCUTE song that has no parallel!

  • 2:59

    No siempre es fácil cantar, bailar o ser amable…pero, como dicen The Best Tees, ¡tú puedes!

  • 20:08

    Stay strong for a 20-minute-long, high-energy, full workout!