Indoor Recess: Food Glorious Food Page

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Indoor Recess: Food Glorious Food
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earn points for your champ!
Work up an appetite as you sing and dance to this 11-minute mega mix of your fave food songs.
Indoor Recess. Yummy. Food glorious food. Hi, I'm coach Terry and you call me coach Terry. You can call this indoor recess. Here's some food for thought. Let's exercise to a foodie megamix. Yes, sirree. I cherry picked the best of the best for y'all. So get ready to bring home the bacon, 'cause This video is a piece of cake. Let's move to food. Peanut butter in the cup. Sing and dance along. SINGING Peanut butter in the cup, we sing this song to pump us up. Bang, bang, choo-choo train, come up Bridgett do your thing. I can't. Why not? I just can't. Why not? My back is aching, the sun's too bright, my hips are popping from left to right, from left to the right, from the left to the right, to the the left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left right. Peanut butter in a cup, we sing this song to pump us up. Bang, bang, choo-choo train. Come on Lindsay, do your thing. I can't. Why not? I just can't. Why not? My back is aching, the sun's too bright, my hips are popping from left to right, to the left, to the right, to the left, to the right, to the left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right. Peanut butter in a cup we sing this song to pump us up. Bang, bang, choo-choo train, come on, Jordan, do your thing. I can't. Why not? I just can't. Why not? My back is aching, this light's too bright, my hips are popping from left to right. To the left, to the right, to the left, to the right, to the left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right. Peanut butter in a cup, we sing this song to pump us up. Bang, bang, choo choo train, come on Joan, do your thing. I can't. Why not? I just can't. Why not? My back's aching, this lipstick's too bright, my hip keep popping from left to right. To the left, to the right, to the left, to the right, to the left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left. Peanut butter in a cup, we sing this song to pump us up. Bang, bang, choo choo train, come on Brian, do your thing. [BEAT BOX] Why not? [BEAT BOX] Why not? [BEAT BOXING] To the left, to the right, to the left, to the right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left right. Peanut butter in a cup, we sing this song to pump us up. Bang, bang, choo choo train, come you, do your thing. [BEAT BOX] Why not? [BEAT BOX] Why not? [BEAT BOXING] To the left, to the right, to the left, to the right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right. Peanut butter in a cup, we sing this song, now we're pumped up! Oh, I'm so pumped up. [MOO] Sometimes champs get in sticky situations. We all get stepping on the gigantic marshmallow. Lift your knee high and stomp down. Lift the other knee high and stomp down. Lift and stomp, lift and stomp, lift and stomp, their mushy, they're smushy, they're growing. Faster. Lift and stomp. Lift and stomp. Lift and stomp. High knees, champs, higher. Stompier. Faster. Sweet! You've mellowed those marshes. Good stuff. Never eat soggy waffles. B-b-besties in the house. Besties. Listen to this. (SINGING) Never eat soggy waffles, oh, oh, oh, never eat soggy waffles, oh, oh, oh, never eat soggy waffles, oh, oh, oh, never eat soggy waffles, oh, oh, oh. Never. North. East. Soggy. South. Waffles. West. Never dress waffles in bikinis. No? Never eat waffles with tortellini. Ew. Never rub waffles in the dirt. 'Cause crunch, crunch, crunch, is gonna make your teeth hurt. Drop your waffles in the pool. Yeah, maybe that'll make them all nice and cool. But you're going to need some fancy goggles if you dive in to get the super soggy waffles. Never eat soggy waffles, oh, oh, oh, never eat soggy waffles, oh, oh, oh, never eat soggy waffles, oh, oh, oh, never eat soggy waffles, oh, oh, oh. Never north. Eat, east. Soggy, south. Waffles, west. Never smear waffles with brie cheese. Ew. Never blow in a waffle after you sneeze. Never never your waffles in hairspray. Dip, dip, dip that would be nasty. Drop your waffles in a lake. They might get slurped up by a versatile water snake, gonna need some fancy goggles when you drive in to get those supper soggy waffles. Never eat soggy waffles, oh, oh, oh, never eat soggy waffles, oh, oh, oh, never eat soggy waffles, oh, oh, oh, never eat soggy waffles, oh, oh, oh. Never, north. Eat, east. Soggy, south. Waffles, west. Never eat soggy waffles, oh, oh, oh, never eat soggy waffles, oh, oh, oh, never eat soggy waffles, oh, oh, oh, never eat soggy waffles, oh, oh, oh. Never eat soggy waffles. Oh, oh, oh. Never eat soggy waffles, oh, oh oh. Never eat soggy waffles, oh, oh, oh. Never eat soggy waffles, oh, oh, oh. Never eat soggy waffles. Um, Sylvia, I have a confession to make. OK. I do like to eat soggy waffles. Especially when it's drenched in maple syrup. Teams got game. Dribble, dribble, dribble, the meatball. And jump and shoot. Swish. And dribble, dribble, dribble the meat ball. Sweet. Now dribble it with the other hand. Yes sirree, dribble it past 'em. Go get your game on and shoot. Swish. Shoot. Hot diggity. Jump up and throw five meatballs into the basket. One at a time, go. Shoot, score. Shoot, score. Shoot, score. Shoot, oops. That will missed. No biggie. Shoot, swish. Score. Nothing but net. What's cooking? You are! So keep at it as you dance freestyle along with these kooky cookies. Yeah, we're cookies. That's right. We're going to show you how cookies get it done. Yeah. You ready? Ready. Cookie boogie, cookie boogie, cookie boogie, cookie boogie. Shake it like a cookie. Get down like a cookie. Party like a cookie. Cookie, cookie, cookie. Funky fresh. Fresh baked. Funky fresh. Fresh baked. Funky fresh. Fresh baked. Cookies boogie. Dancing treats. To the beats. Dancing treats. To the beats. Dancing treats. To the beats. Cookie boogie. Shake it like a cookie. Get down like a cookie. Party like a cookie. Cookie, cookie, cookie. Low fat. Super flat. Scat, scat. Can you do that? You can't catch me. No. But you can cookie boogie. Cookie boogie. Cookie boogie. Cookie boogie. Cookie boogie, cookie boogie, cookie boogie, cookie boogie. Cookie boogie. Cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie. Boogie, boogie, boogie, boogie, boogie. Cookie boogie. Cookie boogie. Cookie boogie. Cookie boogie. Cookie boogie. Cookie boogie. Cookie boogie. Yes. Tasty, right? Champs always use their noodle. Jump rope a long long piece of spaghetti. Jump, jump, jump, through the loop, twice as fast, y'all. Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump. Turn that spaghetti rope. Yes, sirree. Now get fancy. Crisscross. Jump and crisscross your spaghetti. Make it feel silly. Crisscross. Crisscross. Crisscross. And stop. Hasta la pasta, champs. Form bananas. [BEAT BOXING] First you form the corn, form, from the corn. First you form the corn, form, form the corn, and then you husk the corn, husk, husk the corn, and then you husk the corn, husk, husk the corn, and then you pop the corn, pop, pop the corn. And then you pop the corn, pop, pop the corn. First you from potatoes, form, form potatoes, first you form potatoes, form, form potatoes, then you slice potatoes, slice, slice potatoes, and you slice potatoes, slice, slice potatoes, and then you mash potatoes, mash, mash potatoes, then you mash potatoes, mash, mash potatoes. First you form the orange, form. Form the orange, first you form the orange, form, form the orange, then you peel the orange, peel, peel the orange, then you peel the orange, peel, peel the orange, then you squeeze the orange, squeeze, squeeze the orange, then you squeeze the orange, squeeze, squeeze the orange. First you from the squash, form, form, the squash, first you form the squash, form, form the squash, and then you pick the squash, pick, pick the squash, and then you pick the squash, pick, pick the squash, and then you squash the squash, squish squash the squash, and then you squash the squash, squish squash the squash. First you form the onion, form, form the onion, first you form the onion, form, form the onion, then you dice the onion, dice nice the onion, then you dice the onion, dice, dice the onion, then you cry from the onion, cry from the onion. Cry from the onion! [SOBBING] Are you guys OK? [DING] First you form bananas, form, form bananas, first you form bananas, form, form bananas, then you peel bananas, peel, peel bananas, then you peel bananas, peel, peel, then you go bananas, go, go bananas, then you go bananas, go, go bananas. That's crazy bananas. I'm a going bananas. Whoops. What's cooking, good looking? Use your hands to quickly chop up a snack. Do fast little chops for the tomatoes. Now let me see some fast beef chops for the sour apple. Go nuts as you chop up nuts. Chop to the side, chop to the top, chop to the bottom, chop like you just can't stop. Chop, chop, chop, chop, now drop. Literally, drop down on the floor. Nice. You're the apple of my eye. You were as cool as cucumbers as you moved and grew to this excellent megamix. Yee-haw! Now I got to go eat something. I'm starving, Marvin.