Sense Your Senses Page

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Sense Your Senses
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Take a break with Lindsey and Moose Fabio and listen, smell, and feel what's around you. It's time to sense your senses!
Sense your senses. Hi, everybody. You know when your thoughts get all messy, and you can't really think straight, like when you're tired or upset or overwhelmed? Yes. That happens to me all the time. Me too. Well, all you need to do to get your thoughts to calm down is focus. Sit down in a chair or on the floor, and make sure you're nice and comfortable. You good? I'm not just good. I'm great. Great. Now, close your eyes, and for 20 seconds, focus on what you can hear. Listen for the smallest noises, anything and everything. Just focus on the sounds. Ready? Go. [BIRDS CHIRPING] [BEE BUZZING] Nice. Now, for 20 seconds, focus on what you can smell. Take deep breaths, and try to only focus on all of the smells around you. Ready? Go. [BIRDS CHIRPING] [BEES BUZZING] Good. Now, focus on what you can feel. Scan your body up and down, and focus on how each part of your body feels. Ready? Go. [BIRDS CHIRPING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [BEES BUZZING] Cool. Now, open your eyes, and focus on what you can see. Don't look all around. Just look straight ahead of you, and focus on one thing, and really look at it. See all of the details. Ready? Go. [BIRDS CHIRPING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [BEES BUZZING] Wow. I heard, smelled, felt, and saw things that I never even noticed before, Lindsey. I guess that's how you feel when your mind is clear. But the one thing I didn't focus on was taste. So I think I'm going to go focus on some peanut butter right now. Well, next time your thoughts are all messy, take a moment to focus on just one of your senses. It just might help you calm down. [MUSIC PLAYING]