Indoor Recess: Get Loose And Shake Your Crumbs Page

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Indoor Recess: Get Loose And Shake Your Crumbs
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Move along to this awesome 10-minute mega mix of your favorite GoNoodle videos.
[MUSIC PLAYING] Indoor Recess 4, Get Loose and Shake Your Crumbs. Howdy, y'all. I'm Coach Terry. You call me Coach Terry. And you can call this Indoor Recess. Yessiree. I got a mashup of a whole bunch of GoNoodle videos and games. Y'all stand up and move along to get those ants out of your pants. Let's get started with a warm up. Yee-haw. Champs have guts. Y'all put your hands on your gut and roll your hips around in a circle. Roll one way. Rolling, rolling, rolling. Spill your guts. Roll it the other way. Rolling, rolling, rolling. Sweet. Now, fast. Bust a gut. Roll, roll, roll, roll. Yessiree. You sure are gutsy. Now, slow your roll. Roll, roll, roll. Know what? My gut tells me you're a true champ. (SINGING) There was a great big moose. That's me. This is a repeat after me song. This is a repeat after me song. Kat is the best person in the world. Oh. Oh. Oh. Kat is the best person in the world. (SINGING) There was a great big moose. There was a great big moose. He liked to drink a lot of juice. He liked to drink a lot of juice. There was a great big moose. There was a great big moose. He liked to drink a lot of juice. He liked to drink a lot of juice. Singing woah, hey, oh. Singing whoa, hey, oh. A-waka-waka-waka-wa. A-waka-waka-waka-wa. Wayo, wayo. Wayo, wayo. A-waka-waka-waka-wa. A-waka-waka-waka-wa. The moose's name was Fabio. The moose's name was Fabio. He drank his juice on the patio. He drank his juice on the patio. The moose's name was Fabio. The moose's name was Fabio. He drank his juice on the patio. He drank his juice on the patio. Singing Fabio. Singing Fabio. A-waka-waka-waka-wa. A-waka-waka-waka-wa. Oh, Fabio. Oh, Fabio. A-waka-waka-waka-wa. A-waka-waka-waka-wa. He drank his juice with care. He drank his juice with care. But he spills them in his hair. But he spills them in his hair. He drank his juice with care. He drank his juice with care. But he spills them in them in his hair. But he spills them in his hair. Singing oh-wayo. Singing oh-wayo. A-waka-waka-waka-wa. A-waka-waka-waka-wa. Wayo, wayo. Wayo, wayo. A-waka-waka-waka-wa. A-waka-waka-waka-wa. Now, he's a sticky moose. Now, he's a sticky moose. A sticky moose that's filled with juice. A sticky moose that's filled with juice. Now, he's a sticky moose. Now, he's a sticky moose. A sticky moose that filled with juice. A sticky moose that's filled with juice. Singing oh-wayo. Singing oh-wayo. A-waka-waka-waka-wa. A-waka-waka-waka-wa. Wayo, wayo. Wayo, wayo. A-waka-waka-waka-wa. A-waka-waka-waka-wa. Now, you know the truth. Now, you know the truth. It's all true. About the moose that drank his juice. About the moose that drank his juice. Now you Know the truth. Now, you know the truth. About the moose who drank his juice. About the moose who drank his juice. On the loose. On the loose. Shaking his caboose. Shaking his caboose. Shopping for produce. Shopping for produce. With his cousin, Bruce. With his cousin, Bruce. And his mother goose. And his mother goose. Quack, quack. Quacky, quack, quack, quack. Hey. A quacky quack. That's a duck. Candy. Oh well. Quack, quack. Do you have any more juice? Quacky, quack. We're going to pick up the pace now for the workout. Get ready to get sweaty. Yessiree. Flex. Just flex. Oh flex it. Flex. Do the yellow clay flex. Now, melt. Now, grow. Now, flex. Flap your arms. Just flap your arms. Don't mean no harm. Yeah. Flap your arms. Now, flex. Now, melt. Now, flap your arms. Come on flex. Get flex-y when you flex. You know what's coming next. Yeah, that's right. You're going to flex. Just flex. Now, melt. Now, flap then flex. Flex. Champs clean up. Squat to pick up some crumbs from the floor. I'm talking about imaginary crumbs here. Squat and stand. Squat and stand. Keep squatting at standing. Practice picking up your stuff. Pick up your remote. Pick up your eraser. Pick up your smelly socks. Yessiree. Squat down and up, faster and faster and faster. Powerfully. Well, lookie there, champs. You cleaned up your act. Hot diggity. Unicorn noodles. Houston, we have a problem. Houston here. What's your problem? We can't remember the order of the planets from the sun. Roger that. Best Tees, do your thing. My. Mercury. Very Venus. Excellent. Earth. Yes. Monkey. Mars. Just. Jupiter. Served. Saturn. Unicorn. Uranus. Noodle. Neptune. The Best Tees. Unicorn noodles. My tummy's growling. What's up? My monkey says chef, he struts up. His cooking tastes like magic. Yummy. The monkey serves me pasta, so good I'm singing opera. The taste is intergalactic. You call my noodles basic. Uh-uh. Oh no, girl. You get ready. Iridescent space confetti T-t-t-t-try this. Unicorn Noodles. Yes, girl. My very excellent monkey just served unicorn noodles. My very excellent monkey just served unicorn noodles. My very excellent monkey just served unicorn noodles. My very excellent monkey just served unicorn noodles. Lifting up of Earth while streaming [INAUDIBLE] Both look on the ground, they're all like, look at her go. Look back at Earth so tiny. Eight planets shooting by me. This rainbow pasta is so so high-flying. You call my noodles. Uh-uh. Oh no, girl. You get ready. I'm ready. Iridescent space confetti. T-t-t-t-try this. Corn. Unicorn. Unicorn. My. Mercury. Very. Venus. Excellent. Earth. Monkey. Mars. Just. Jupiter. Served. Saturn. Unicorn. Uranus. Noodles. Neptune. My very excellent monkey just served unicorn noodles. My very excellent monkey just served unicorn noodles. My very excellent monkey just served unicorn noodles. My very excellent monkey just served unicorn noodles. Unicorn noodles give me powers. Unicorn noodles [INAUDIBLE]. Unicorn noodles, glitter-rate. In outer outer space, circuits is [INAUDIBLE] Unicorn noodles. Laser beam. Unicorn noodles. To the extreme. Unicorn noodles. Supernatural. Three, six, four, international. My. Mercury. Very. Venus. Excellent. Earth. Monkey. Mars. Just. Jupiter. Served. Saturn. Unicorn. Uranus. Noodles. Neptune. My very excellent monkey just served unicorn noodles. My very excellent monkey just served unicorn noodles. Unicorn noodles. Hey. Does your monkey serve anything other than-- Unicorn noodles. I know this is good. But I do have like-- Unicorn noodles. Unicorn noodles. I don't want to eat anymore of those. They look really-- I know, but is there any other food available? All right. You're just going to keep saying that over and over. Unicorn noodles. it's really good though. Nice work, y'all. Let's cool it on down. Cooling, cooling Don't read like a robot. Let me tell you a little story, folks. So I was chilling in the class, minding my bizz, when my teacher, she calls on me. She says, it's your turn to read aloud. Then like a icy pop I freeze. When I open my mouth to speak the words, my tongue is in a knot. Do I read with expression? Not even close. I sound like a robot. Did you know that tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur? And my teacher said, flip a switch and read it like this. Did you know that tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur? Did you know that tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur? You got to read with expression. OK. Yes, read with expression. I got it. Come on and read with expression. I'm going to do it. Don't read like a robot. Come on. Next day, I was lounging in my room and my mom knocked right. On my door. Knock, knock. She said, you got a letter from gramps, he's with grandms in El Salvador. Oh, really? I went to read the letter to myself but my mom opened up her lips. She said, why not read the letter out loud. I want to hear about their trip. Oh man. Hello, sonny. We're having a blast. Grandma and I went skydiving. And my mom said, flip a switch and read it like this. Hello, sonny. We're having a blast. Grandma and I went skydiving. Hello, sonny. We're having a blast. Grandma and I went skydiving. You got to read with expression. Yes, read with the expression. I'm going to do it. Come on and read with expression. Don't read like a robot. At school the next day, I tried out for the play, and I really wanted the main part. Really, really. I practiced the lines over and over again. I was nervous. Oh man, my heart. Bump, bump. When it was my turn in stage to read for the role, all the blood rushed to my head. My tongue twisted up and knees started to shake. You couldn't hear a word I said. I'm sitting on a tack. I'm sitting on a tack. Ah. Help. I'm sitting on a tack. And my director said, flip a switch and read it like this. I'm sitting on a tack. I'm sitting on a tack. Ah. Help. I'm sitting on a tack. I'm going to try it. I'm sitting on the tack. I'm sitting on a tack. Ah. Help. I'm sitting on a tack. You got to read with expression. Yes, read with the expression. Come on and read with expression. Don't read like a robot. Now, when I read anything out loud, I do it with passion and flair. No more mumbling words and silly murmurs. I'm chill, not crazy scared. He's chill. I used to read like a robot. All my words sound exactly the same. That's true. But now I read with the expression. Yo. That's my claim to fame. Go on. You got to read with expression. Oh yes, read with expression. You know it. Read with expression. I do. Don't read like a robot. You got to read with expression. Yup. Yes, read with expression. I do. Come on and read with expression. Hey, I learned. Don't read like a robot. Anybody want a peanut? I'll take it. Hot diggity. You did it. Nice work, y'all Chow for now.