SuperNoodle Competency 3: Coping Skills Page

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This page is about SuperNoodle Competency 3: Coping SkillsSuperNoodle Competency 3: Coping Skills

Life contains obstacles. These lessons will help students manage stress, self-regulate and adapt to those challenges.

SuperNoodle: Coping Skills Lesson 3

Sample the lesson "Trying New Things" and then learn more about SuperNoodle's guided emotional literacy lessons.

  • 4:19

    Squeaky shares what she is learning about settling herself and how that kind of self control works out for her.

  • 2:41

    Sing, dance, and make purple stew with the Moose Tube crew!

  • 3:50

    Learn to look up in order to feel up with this empowering mindfulness exercise!

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    If not, get one to help you access this section. It's for grown ups only!

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