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Flash Bolton
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1Week Streak in School Year

GoNoodle Spotlight

Make sure to check out these new and featured videos that are already moving up the charts.

  • 1:50

    Keep shining and breathing with the Best Tees, as they guide you through a mindful moment like the star you are!

  • 2:38

    Smevin is back to bring us down and take us up into SPACE!

  • 2:13

    Recess may be over, but the party’s just getting started! Focus up, stay on task, and move to the beat with Blazer Fresh.

February Is National Snack Food Month

Get ready for Valentine's Day by printing out these creative crafting activities perfect for home or school.

Breathing Exercises For Energy and Intention

Reset your energy as you set an intention for your day and beyond with these helpful breathing exercises.

  • 3:03

    Reach for a mindful and moon-ful moment of classroom calm in a cosmic cool down practice that supports emotional regulation, imagination, and finger dexterity.

  • 1:10

    Take a moment to set an intention to go with the flow.

  • 2:07

    Move along and take a breath with this video that's great before a test.

  • 1:06

    Toma un momento para pensar en una opción que tienes que hacer, luego haz una pausa y escucha tu corazón para que puedas elegir sabiamente.

Explore GoNoodle For Holiday Celebrations and More

  • Black History Month
    Black History Month
  • Valentine's Day
    Valentine's Day
  • Meal Time
    Meal Time
  • KIDZ BOP Kids
    KIDZ BOP Kids
  • American Sign Language / ASL
    American Sign Language / ASL

Learning Center: American Sign Language / ASL

Brush up on your ASL skills with the help of GoNoodle and Matt Maxey!

  • 2:10

    Pencils down, backpacks on, clap your hands and learn how to say "Later!" in American Sign Language with Blazer Fresh and Deafinitely Dope!

  • Sponsored5:15

    Practice your MAD mind/body connection with your classmates and Matt Maxey. Every body, all together!

  • 2:37

    Welcome back to school…it’s going to DEAFINITELY be a DOPE year! Learn how to meet your new classmates using ASL and SEE with Matt Maxey of Deafinitely Dope!

  • 2:13

    Recess may be over, but the party’s just getting started! Focus up, stay on task, and learn American Sign Language with Blazer Fresh and Matt Maxey of Deafinitely Dope!

Recently Watched

  • 3:31

    Hands up, hands down, and then turn around as you sing this booming song. (en español)

  • 2:02

    Sing along as you drive a van, fly like Peter Pan, and be a pizza man in this awesomely catchy song!

  • 0:59

    Join the Blazer Fresh crew as they face their feelings and talk about being angry!

  • 1:02

    Join the Blazer Fresh crew as they face their feelings and talk about being nervous!

Popular On GoNoodle

We're not saying these videos are awesome. People like you are. And you trust them, right? We thought so.