Silly Sing Alongs Page

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This page is about Silly Sing AlongsSilly Sing Alongs

Get silly with these GoNoodle favorites that will have kids singing and laughing!

Silly Sing Along Animal Songs

Sing and dance along with these silly animal songs.

  • 2:12

    Move like a baby, mama, daddy, grandma, and great white shark as you sing this song that will never get out of your head (sorry!)

  • 1:56

    Sing and move along to this ridiculous llama song.

  • 1:28

    Sing and move along to this silly camp song about penguins drinking tea!

  • 2:12

    Muévete como un bebé, mamá, papá, abuela y el gran tiburón blanco mientras cantas esta canción que nunca saldrá de tu cabeza (¡lo siento!)

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