HOW TO Address an Envelope Page
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HOW TO Address an Envelope
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Learn HOW TO Address an Envelope with Aven and Squatchy Berger.
How to! How to address an envelope. You'll need an envelope, a pen, a stamp and a letter to mail. Squatchy no use paper. Squatchy carve stone. Step one, write the return address, that's your address, in the upper left corner of the envelope. On the first line, write your full name. Rytingg. That's my name. You write your name. On the second line, under your name, write your street address. 2 You Road. Get it? Ryting 2 You. OK, that's not really my name. On the third line, under the street address, write your city and state. Letterville, New York. On the fourth line, write your five digit zip code. 07734. Step two, write the receiver's address in the center of the envelope. Squatchy invite friend to cave party. On the first line, write his or her full name. GoNoodle. I'm writing to GoNoodle. On the second line, write their street address. 209 10th Avenue South. On the third line, write their city and state. Nashville, Tennessee. On the fourth line, write their five digit zip code, 37203. Step three, put a stamp in the upper right corner. Step four, put your letter in the envelope, seal it, and drop it in the mailbox. Uh-oh, stone no fit in mailbox. Squatchy need paper. This is GoNoodle's address. Send us a letter. We'd love to hear from you. Write to Squatchy.