Hollabaloo: Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To Page

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Sing, dance, and make your arms into gigantic math symbols as you compare numbers in this stellar song.
[AUDIO LOGO] Hollabaloo [GONODDLE & BLAZER FRESH. "HOLLABALOO"] Hey kids button up your blazers cause Blazer Fresh is gonna make you sweat! GO NOODLE! Let's see who's greater than Greater Than! Greater Than! Greater Than! Yeah Less Than! Less Than! Less Than! Equal To! Equal To! Equal To! Equal To! BOOM BAP BOOM BAP! HOLLA BALOO! The greater than sign is open to the left The bigger number is-on-the LEFT Everybody turn to your LEFT THE GREATER THAN SIGN IS BLAZER FRESH! The less than sign is open to the RIGHT Woo The bigger number is-on-the RIGHT On the right Everybody turn to your RIGHT To the right THE LESS THAN SIGN IS LOOKIN SUPER TITE! THE EQUAL TO SIGN is two straight lines Two lines Put your arms into two straight lines Get serpentine with two straight lines, lines EQUAL numbers on either side, side Greater Than! Greater Than! Greater Than! Greater Than! Less Than! Less Than! Less Than! Less than! Equal To! Equal To! Equal To! Equal To! BOOM BAP BOOM BAP! HOLLA BALOO! 55 is WHAT than 36 GREATER THAN! GREATER THAN! 14 is WHAT than 32 LESS THAN! LESS THAN! 21 is WHAT to 21 EQUAL TO! EQUAL TO YOU GOT THESE SIGNS DOWN YEAH YOU KNOW HOW WE DO! 64 is WHAT than 13 GREATER THAN! GREATER THAN! 84 is WHAT than 85 LESS THAN! LESS THAN! 99 is WHAT 99 EQUAL TO! EQUAL TO! YOU GOT THESE SIGNS DOWN SO LET'S SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO I say GREATER, you say THAN GREATER THAN GREATER THAN I say LESS, you say THAN LESS THAN LESS THAN I say EQUAL, you say TO EQUAL TO BOOM BAP BOOM BAP! HOLLA BALOO! Woo! Greater Than! Greater Than! Greater Than! Greater Than! Less Than! Less Than! Less Than! Less Than! Equal To! Equal To! Equal To! Equal, Equal BOOM BAP BOOM BAP! HOLLA BALOO! Greater Than! Greater Than! Greater Than! Greater Less Than! Less Than! Less Than! Equal To! Equal To! Equal To! Yeah BOOM BAP BOOM BAP HOLLA BALOO! Wow! That was really a workout! [NO SPEECH]