SuperNoodle Choice: My Body Says So Much! Page

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SuperNoodle Choice: My Body Says So Much!
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McPufferson is learning how smart his body can be, if he pays attention.
[MUSIC PLAYING] Hello, and welcome my SuperNoodle friends. I'm so grateful to have you here. Join me today. We're going to have fun, laughing, learning, exploring, and letting our imaginations wander together. SuperNoodle makes learning about ourselves and each other a really cool adventure. We'll get to look for clues, listen to exciting stories, and try new things so can be our very best selves. Join the adventure with your friends, relate better to each other, handle tough situations, and get to know your amazing tools like your thoughts and emotions. Check it out. You're about to enter the champion verse through the fitness forest to begin your SuperNoodle journey. I'm super excited to introduce you to your friends, the champs. They'll guide us through our SuperNoodle travels. Each champ is a hero with their own superpowers. They'll lead us on journeys through magical lands. How exciting? Now, let's check in with our hero champ to see where this adventure takes us. Today, we're going to be balancing on patient speak with MacPherson investigating choice. What's up SuperNoodlers? MacPherson here at your service. I ran over to greet you as fast as I could. Woo. Sometimes, I get going so fast that I mess stuff up, miss chances, or do things that I didn't mean to do. Making the right choice is sometimes pretty hard to do. Our minds and bodies can help us choose well though. Check it out. Going too fast and not really paying attention can be trouble for me and maybe you too. Sometimes I'm so busy bouncing around or investigating things like asteroids and trapezoids that I don't even know what my body is doing or what it's telling me. Just last week, I was on my way to visit my good friend, Flowio, at Selfie shores. We were going to go for a hike in the fitness forest. On my way to her seashell, I couldn't stop thinking about so many fun and crazy facts like how the inventor of the light bulb, Thomas Edison, was afraid of the dark. And that a bunch of cats are called a clowder. Do you think they like chowder? I was so distracted that I didn't notice how very tired my body was. And when I finally noticed, my legs hurt. I had gone way past Flowio's shell by accident. My body was probably telling me to slow down, that I had gone long enough but I wasn't paying attention. By the time I checked in on my body, I was too far and too tired to go back. Although, I did make friends with a couple of crabs along the way. I wish I had made the choice to slow down, check in on my body, and let my tired legs remind me where I was. I probably would have been able to make a better choice. My big, beautiful, purple brain learned a lot that day. I needed to pause and do that focusing thing called paying attention or noticing. Sometimes we have to pay attention to our bodies and our surroundings. Let me show you what I mean. I really like to slow down and notice my body, even though I also love to go super fast like my friend, Flash Bolton. I realized that I was really late getting over to Flowio's, so I had to make a choice. Either backtrack because I was already late or call Flowio on her cell phone and tell her I just had to hang another time. Good thing, Flowio knows me so well, she cut me a break. It's cool to be patient with your friends, you know? Slowing down and noticing is a super strength, and I'm so glad we can practice together. We'll do some more of this again but now, let's do another thing I love to do. I bet you can guess what it is. Get moving. Let's go. It's time for me to go grab a snack, and it's time for you to join your class to move and practice making good choices. Have a blast in three, two, one, go. [MUSIC PLAYING] It's time for me to go grab a snack, and it's time for you to join your class to move and practice making good choices. Have a blast in three, two, one, go. [MUSIC PLAYING]