Squatchy Talk: Chicken Dance? Page
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Squatchy Talk: Chicken Dance?
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Chicken (and Turkey) Dance along with Squatchy and his forest friend Ranger Buddy!
Hello, everybody out there? Me Squatchy. Tom, so just talking here and Squatchy meet new friends? Gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble. Hello, new friends this is Squatchy. Oh, Squatchy see you now. Oh, Squatchy have so many questions. Oh, what's your name? Me, Squatchy. Where you live? Squatchy live in forest. What you used to brush teeth? Squatchy use a stick. You like grubs? Oh, Squatchy love grubs. Gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble. Oh, oh I have a great idea. We move, you like move? Oh, Tom, Tom, Tom, get Ranger buddy. Ranger buddy love to move. Ranger buddy! Hey, Squatchy. Hey, how are you? What a surprise. I wasn't expecting anybody during my morning me time. Ranger buddy time to move. You got dressed? What's with the question? I am dressed, I thought you guys were going to. No, no, no, no, no. I can't believe you surprise. Look over there. Really? Really. In the box. Oh, OK. Have a look. Hang tight, be right back. What do you think? Ranger buddy you look like chicken. Oh, you think Ranger buddy looked like chicken? Yeah. Yes. Try to move like chicken. Beak, wings, shake, clap. Beak, wings, shake, clap. Beak, wings, shake, clap. Beak, wings, shake, clap. Gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble. Oh, Tom say we should do turkey dance. Turkey? Very different than chicken dance. I don't think I know turkey dance. Oh, that's OK. Squatchy show you how. Follow Squatchy for changes. OK. Great. Here we go. All right. Turkey beak, turkey wings, turkey shake, turkey clap. Turkey beak, turkey wings, turkey shake, turkey clap. Turkey beak, turkey wings, turkey shake, turkey clap. Turkey beak, turkey wings, turkey shake, turkey clap. OK. Oh, OK. Turkey dance is much higher than the chicken dance. Can we slow it down just a little bit Squatch? Please. Gobble gobble. I can say Ranger buddy need turkey training. Yes. But for now, Squatchy slow it down. Thank you. You're welcome. Here we go. OK. Beak, wings, shake, clap. That's much better. Beak, wings, shake clap. I like it. This dance too slow. Squatchy go faster. Don't make it too fast. Beak, wings, shake, clap. You're speeding up. Faster fun more fun if we go even faster. Squatchy going a little fast as I'm already got. I don't know where we are. Faster. Ranger buddy? You OK? I'm OK, I just wanted to be a great turkey dancer, so whatever it takes. How did I do Tom? Hmm. Meh. Oh. I guess Ranger buddy take nap now. Maybe Squatchy take nap too. Hope to see you again soon. Bye bye. Bwak bwak. That's chicken for bye bye. Gobble gobble gobble.