Snake Breath Page

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Snake Breath
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Relieve sssssstress as you calm down your body and brain with these sssssuper snake breaths.
[MUSIC PLAYING] Snake breath. Snakes stress most people out. [YELLS] Snakes? Where? Where? [WHIMPERS] So it's kind of funny and weird that doing snake breaths can actually calm down your body and brain. Oh. Don't worry. There's no snakes, Fabio. Phew. [LAUGHS] To get your snake breath on, take a deep breath in through your nose and then exhale through your mouth while making a hissing sound. Try it. [INHALES] [HISSES] Whoa. These breaths are fun. [LAUGHS] So get comfortable. Close your eyes or keep them open, whatever feels right. And let's take some snake breaths. Ready? Breathe in. [INHALES] Hiss out. [HISSES] Breathe in. [INHALES] Hiss out. [HISSES] In. [INHALES] Hiss out. [HISSES] Breathe in-- [INHALES] --and out. [HISSES] In. [INHALES] Hiss out. [HISSES] Breathe and hiss out. [HISSES] In. [INHALES] Out. [HISSES] (HISSING) Nice work. If you ever find yourself really stressed out or (HISSING) hysterically upset, snake breaths can help you feel better, especially if you have a really long exhale. I need to do a snake breath if I ever see a snake. [LAUGHS] Yeah. I hope I never see a snake!