SuperNoodle Creativity: Let’s Play! Page

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SuperNoodle Creativity: Let’s Play!
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In the clouds, Squatchy sees one thing and Van Go sees another. Let's try to see things from others' viewpoints.
[MUSIC PLAYING] Hello, and welcome, my Super Noodle friends. I'm so grateful to have you here. Join me today. We're going to have fun laughing, learning, exploring, and letting our imaginations wander together. Super Noodle makes learning about ourselves and each other a really cool adventure. We'll get to look for clues, listen to exciting stories, and try new things, so we can be our very best selves. Join the adventure with your friends, relate better to each other, handle tough situations, and get to know your amazing tools like your thoughts and emotions. Check it out. You're about to enter the Champiverse through the Fitness Forest to begin your super Noodle journey. I'm super excited to introduce you to your friends-- the Champs. They'll guide us through our super Noodle travels. Each champ is a hero with their own superpowers. They'll lead us on journeys through magical lands. How exciting. Now let's check in with our Hero Champ to see where this adventure takes us. Today, we're sharing the stage with Van Go way up on Rainbow Rock exploring creativity. Bonjour, Super Noodlers. It's me Van Go, Life is a beautiful being surrounded by you. We're going to be exploring creativity as it's my superpower. And I bet, if you give it a try, it can be yours too. So a little bit about me as I'm new to your world. My name is Van Go, and I live in Rainbow Rock. I like to look at the world from a different perspective. I love to paint in my spectacular outdoor studio. And I often discover what I think are mistakes when I'm being creative are actually really happy accidents. How fantastic is that? Today, on our adventure, I'd like to share with you about having fun and letting happiness help set your imagination free. All of us are one of a kind. And when we share the things that make us each special and unique, life is way more exciting. This reminds me of one lazy afternoon. My friend Squatchy stopped by as I was lounging in my backyard. It was one of those days where the sky was as blue as a tropical ocean, and the white clouds were moving above like they had a plan. I watched as the puffy cotton candy-like clouds formed into the shape of a running horse. But instead, Squatchy saw the shape of a dog made out of a balloon. My mind was blown that he didn't see the same thing that I did. Have you ever had something like that happen to you where you were looking at the same thing with your friend but you saw something completely different? We waited a few minutes while the clouds continued to move around. Oh, a factoid-- did you know clouds are heavy and weigh a lot? An average cumulus cloud, a fluffy white cloud, weighs the same as a jumbo jet, about 500 tons. Amazing, right? I pointed to the sky as I watched the cloud form into the shape of a rabbit riding a flying carpet. But Squatchy saw a toy airplane instead. I wanted to see what Squatchy was seeing, so I changed my perspective by moving closer to Squatchy, placing my view as close to his as I could. I then asked him to draw the outline of the toy airplane with his finger for me to be able to see what he did. And it worked. I left my mind open and was able to see what Squatchy had seen, and it was beautiful. I was able to see both formations. We then switched so Squatchy could see the rabbit on the flying carpet before it disappeared in the sky and became something new. It was pretty neat. OK, my friends. I need to get back in front of my canvas and paint some of those beautiful cloud formations I'd seen with Squatchy. It's time to get up. We're going to keep spreading beauty while we take some time to learn about creativity with our friends and our teacher. All righty, let's move Super Noodlers. Spread the colors in 3, 2, 1.