Run The Red Carpet Page
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Run The Red Carpet
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Walk, or rather RUN, the red carpet, but be sure to duck, jump, and dodge the ridiculous obstacles to see the world premiere of "McPufferson Live"!
[CHEERING] Run the Red Carpet, featuring McPufferson Live. Level 1. Ready, set, run. Dodge right. [CHEERING] Jump. Hey, back up. Duck. [HEN CROWS] Jump. [HEN SQUAWKS] Strike a pose. Looking good. Dodge left. Duck. Did someone order a pizza? Jump. [DOG BARKS] Jump. [DOG BARKS] Duck. Strike a pose. Who are you wearing? Jump. I love you, McPufferson. Dodge left. Duck. [ORANGUTAN HOOING] Dodge right. [ORANGUTAN SCREAMS] Duck. Cool down as you watch this. Why can't your nose be 12 inches long? Because then it would be a foot. [LAUGHS] I wish I had a nose. How many books can you put in an empty backpack? Do you know? Do you? Do you? One. After that, it's not empty. Booyah! [LAUGHTER] Level 2. Ready, set, run. Duck. Dodge left. Oh, my glasses! Jump. Jump. [DUCK CHICK CHIRPING] Strike a pose. Stunning. Dodge right. Coming through. Duck. Look out. Jump. Dodge left. Let me take a selfie. Strike a pose. Looking good. Jump. Duck. Duck. Jump. Kick. Goal! Dodge left. Hey, stop. Duck. Cool down as you watch this. Why didn't the skeleton go to the dance? Because he had no body to go with. Bones, bones, bones. What starts with a P ends with an E and has a bajillion letters in it? Post Office. Ha! Get it? I thought it was pala wobbly mcmostefa stoffel fopa lepomy. [LAUGHTER] Funny, right? Level 3. Ready, set, run. I'm so excited for the show. Dodge right. Hit the pinata! Duck. Strike a pose. Looking good. Duck. Whoa. Dodge left. Jump. Kick. (SINGING) Peanut butter in a cup We sing Jump. Dodge right. Can I get a quote? Dodge left. PU, skunk. Jump. Back it up. Duck. Duck-- I mean, jump. Strike a pose. Who are you wearing? Jump. Duck. Cool down as you watch this. Why do seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay, they'd be "baygulls," which reminds me, I'm starving. What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet? Supplies! [DRUM STING] I got to go find out who's supplying me with these jokes. I think it might be the janitor. Come on, people. [LAUGHTER] [MUSIC PLAYING]