Star Breath Page

Level 2/5Flash BoltonClassroom bot
Star Breath
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Keep shining and breathing with the Best Tees, as they guide you through a mindful moment like the star you are!
Star Breath! Hola! Hi! As you know, you're a star. But even stars sometimes don't shine as brightly as they can. Maybe they're tired, worried, sad, or scared. It happens to all of us stars, a todos. But, no worries. With just a few deep, calming breaths, your star can shine brightly again. Primero, shake out your body so you can get it all nice and relaxed. Shake your head. Shake your shoulders. Shake your arms. Shake your legs. Get some of that dust off your star. Now, raise your hand and look at the star on the screen. You're going to breathe in and breathe out, as you trace the star with your finger in the air, like this. Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Ready to shine bright? Let's do this. Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Respirar profundo. Hold. Exhala. Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Respira, y exhala. Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Muy bien! Hopefully, the Star Breath helped you calm down a bit. And, now, you can feel super shiny and bright. After all, you're the best shining star!