High 5, Champ: Flexibility Level 3 Page
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Stretch yourself to the limit in this awesome Flexibility level 3 exercise with Om Petalhead, brought to you by Special Olympics.
High 5 Champ, Flexibility, Level 3. Hi, there, GoNoodle. Om here again. Are you ready for this final level of flexibility awesomeness? I am. Before we begin, remember that healthy bodies eat, drink, and move. That means-- Eating from all five food groups every day, especially fruits and vegetables. Drinking at least one bottle of water every day. And moving for 60 minutes or more every day too. Now are you ready? Let's go! Today, we're doing one of my favorite poses in honor of all the spider friends in my garden. Let's get growing and stretching with the spider pose. Start by spreading your feet wide and bending down to grab your ankles from behind your legs. You might even imagine sitting down in a very small chair with your bum close to the ground. Stay there for 30 seconds. Ready? Go. That's it. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. You're a yoga champ. Breathe in and breathe out. 3, 2, 1. And relax. Great job, GoNoodlers! I'm so proud of you. Way to finish out this series on stretching and flexibility. You did it! Keep on stretching and bending and always remember to-- Eat. Drink. And move. High 5 Champ! [MUSIC PLAYING]