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Get a whole-body workout in 5 energy-burning minutes of jumps, blenders, lunges, and squats.
[MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, everyone, I hope you brought your game face, because this whole body workout is tough. If at any time it gets too tough, just march in place, give me a little jog or catch your breath. When you're ready to jump back in, join us for the rest of the workout. You ready? Give it your everything. Keep breathing and work it. All right. A little jump rope. Here we go. Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump. You got this. Come on. Couple more. Jump it out. Come on, jump. Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump. All right, guys, we're going to get this marching. Here we go. I want those knees up high, and I want those arms swinging. Knees high. Come on, get the knees up. Arms swinging. Knees up. All right, let's jog. Jog it out. Come on, jog it out. You can do it. High knees. High knees. Get the knees high. Come on, get them up. We're going to jump. Two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. Come on. Cross body lunge. To the side. To the side. To the side. To the side. To the side. To the side. Stretch it out. To the side. To the side. To the side. Stretch it out. Now squat. Come on, do this squat. Down, up. Down, up. Down, up. Come on. You got this. You got it. You got it. Down, up. Down, up. Come on, own this. Almost there. You got this. All right, everybody, catch your breath. Breathe in and out. Just everybody rest for a second before we get into this next part. It's going to be tough, but I know you can do it. Are you guys ready? We're going to start off with some jumping high. David, are you ready to go? Yes, come on. You got this. --are you ready to go? Everybody, here we go. We're going to get down. Wait for it. Come on. One, two, three, let's go. Come on. Jump it out. Come on, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump. All right. Now lunge. Come on. To the side. To the side. To the side. To the side. To the side. To the side. Come on, stretch it out. Stretch it out. Stretch it out. Stretch it out. To the side. To the side. Now fist pump. Pump it out. Come on-- Switch arms. Switch arms. Pump it out. Now switch. Come on, right pump. You got this. Now switch. Come on, you got this. Switch. Switch. Switch. Switch. Come on, march it out. You got it. Come on, I'm liking this. Are you feeling that? All right, we're going to go back to jump rope. Come on, breathe. You can do it. We can do it. Come on, keep pushing through. Push through. Push through. Excellent work. I know it was tough, but you did it. Let's cool down with some deep breaths. In and out. In and out. One more time. In and out. Nice. Have an awesome day. Fresh Start, out.