Oh, the Places You’ll Go! DANCE PARTY Page

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Move to the beat in this Dr. Seuss dance party, because you’re going places!
[MUSIC PLAYING] Congratulations! You did it! You can do anything you put your mind to because you're going places. (SINGING) You're going places Oh, yes, you are You're going places near and far With brains in your head And feet in your shoes You're going places What you got to lose? Repeat after me Oh, the places you'll go Left side of the class Oh, the places you'll go Right side of the class Oh, the places you'll go Everybody now Oh, the places you'll go Way to go! You'll be coming down streets With shoes full of feet You're too smart to go down Any not so good streets It's up in the air In the wide open air You're have bang-ups and hang-ups But don't you be scared Repeat after me Oh, the places you'll go Left side of the class Oh, the places you'll go Right side of the class Oh, the places you'll go Everybody now Oh, the places you'll go All right, everybody, get ready to be a mountain Be a mountain, be a mountain Baby mountain, baby mountain Small mountain, small mountain Big mountain, big mountain Baby mountain, baby mountain Small mountain, small mountain Big mountain, big mountain Huge mountain, huge mountain Oh, the places you'll go Left side of the class Oh, the places you'll go Right side of the class Oh, the places you'll go Everybody now Oh, the places you'll go [CHEERING] (SPEAKING) Today is your day, so get on your way.