SuperNoodle Creativity: Get Ready! Page

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SuperNoodle Creativity: Get Ready!
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Sure, we can get distracted and have a hard time getting started. But our bodies can help us focus.
Hello, beautiful super noodlers. It's lovely to be a part of your landscape today. So when I'm in the mood to paint, I can feel inspired, settled, and focused. And it feels amazing. But sometimes I struggle with my creativity. I need to be present in the moment and shift my thoughts, allowing creativity to grow. It's just so hard sometimes when my mind and body just don't want to do the same things. A few days ago, I had visited paws petal head in her gratitude garden. It's magnificent there, I must say. I wanted to paint the walking bridge next to one of the ponds surrounded by some of the most colorful wildflowers you can imagine. Go ahead, let your imagination see the flowers. I had set up my easel and placed my canvas on it. Mixed a few oils on my palette, and was ready to paint. I went to stroke the brush across the blank canvas to create the most perfect blue sky that would become music to my eyes. But strangely, I couldn't do it. I had froze as I had painter's block. I wondered if Monet, Carlo, Picasso, or even Michelangelo ever had painter's block too. I mean, it happens to the best of us. My mind was rushing, and I couldn't focus. I kept wondering if I remembered to close the refrigerator door after I poured myself a glass of orange juice this morning. Did I make my bed before I left? I wanted to say I brushed my teeth earlier this morning too, but well, I wasn't sure if I had or not. But then I remembered I had because it was right after I drank my orange juice and immediately discovered how orange juice and toothpaste don't mix well together, like how water and oil paint repel one another. Ugh, it's gross and unpleasant. I just stood there staring at my blank canvas. I had no idea how long my painter's block was going to last. And it was making me nervous. So when I find myself stuck in these kind of situations, I know I need to check in with my body. If I have a bunch of energy, I know I need to move a little to get the wiggles out. That way I can work on trying to focus and being able to put my paint brush on the canvas moving forward. I decided to take a walk around my yard, drank a glass of water, and then close my eyes, imagining what my finished painting was going to look like. Can you see it? I was able to settle myself and take a moment. I then dipped my brush into the most vibrant scarlet red paint you've ever seen dancing my paintbrush across the blank canvas, filling it with vibrant colors for the wild flowers. And in no time at all, there were beautiful wild flowers in front of me coming to life on my canvas. Just remember to move and then settle in order to focus to let the creativity flow, super noodlers. Now it's that time again to get up and make your magic come alive.