Tune In To Your World Page
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Tune In To Your World
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Learn to tune out all of the unnecessary noise, and tune it to yourself. Listen to your own mind, your heart, and your body!
[MUSIC PLAYING] The world around you is full of sounds and distractions. Sometimes it can be hard to listen, but you can learn to tune in to the sounds that are most important to you at the moment. Stand tall in Mountain with your feet hip-width apart, your body tall but relaxed, and palms facing forward. Close your eyes or look at the screen in front of you. Now imagine opening your ears as wide as you can, and stretch your sense of hearing far out into the world. Listen for the furthest away sounds you can find. Don't worry if you can't tell what is making the sounds you hear, just listen to the sounds as they come and as they go. [MUSIC PLAYING] Breathe in, and reach your arms out and up overhead. Take a full breath in here, making your body as tall as possible. Now reach your arms out into the world, becoming the biggest version of yourself. Take three full breaths. Inhale. [INHALES] Exhale. [EXHALES] Inhale. [INHALES] Exhale. [EXHALES] Inhale. [INHALES] Exhale. Lower your arms back into Mountain Pose. [MUSIC PLAYING] Keep your eyes closed, or look at the screen. This time, pull your sense of hearing in a bed and listen to just the sounds happening inside this room. If outside sounds distract you, imagine drawing the net of your hearing slowly in closer and closer until you're only hearing sounds inside the room. Now slowly open your eyes. Drop your chin down. And slowly roll your head from one side and then to the other. Keep doing this a few more times at your own pace. And now come back up to center, and roll your head up. [MUSIC PLAYING] Next, roll your shoulders back for a few circles and then forward for a few circles. Bring one hand to your belly and one hand to your heart. Close your eyes. [MUSIC PLAYING] And once again, stretch your sense of hearing wide and listen for the furthest away sounds you can find just for a moment. Now imagine pulling your sense of hearing closer as if it's a net that you are drawing into. Listen only for the sounds inside of this room. Finally bring your sense of hearing all the way in to listen for the sounds happening inside your own body. If outside sounds distract you, imagine drawing the net of your hearing slowly in closer and closer until you're focusing on the sounds inside of yourself. [MUSIC PLAYING] What did you hear? Does your body have anything to say? Could you hear your heartbeat or your belly? Maybe even a thought or an idea. Remember when sounds distract you during the day, you can always notice them and then layer by layer, bring your attention and awareness back towards you. You are in charge of what you listen to. [MUSIC PLAYING]