Reach For The Moon Page

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Reach For The Moon
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Reach for a mindful and moon-ful moment of classroom calm in a cosmic cool down practice that supports emotional regulation, imagination, and finger dexterity.
[SOFT MUSIC] Reach for the moon. Let's get ready to focus, up, out, and into the distance, all the way up to where the moon hangs out in outer space. Fun fact, the moon is about 238,855 miles away from the Earth. But when we use our eyes, attention, and imagination, we can reach for the moon. Imagine the dark sky, a deep purple with distant stars, unexplored planets, and a big, bright, light, white, round, and reachable moon. Sit a little taller so your arms and hands can stretch way up high and touch that moon. Breathe in and reach up, up, up. Breathe out and imagine you can feel the moon in your hands, round and heavy and a little bumpy. Those are craters. Craters are bumps and bruises from rocks and comets running into the moon. But the moon is strong and powerful, just like you. Inhale and feel your hands holding that moon. Exhale and slowly begin to pull it down from that dark sky. It's heavy, about 73 quintillion tons. So take your time. Place it carefully on the floor in front of you. Now imagine the twinkling stars above you, way up high. They look like flowers in a garden, ready to be picked. Are you ready to pick some stars from the sky? We'll pinch them out of the sky and place them safely on the floor in front of us. Inhale as your right arm reaches up and across. Pinch a tiny star and breathe out. Place it on the floor. Keep picking stars at your own pace. And as you pick from your garden of stars, make a wish for the day. Do you have your wish? Good. Now one more breath in as you raise your left arm up and across. Pinch as you breathe out to bring your final star down to the floor. Before we say goodbye, we have to return the moon back to the sky. Reach down and feel the weight of the moon in your hands. Breathe in and slowly lift your big, bright moon high into the sky. Breathe out to let go, as your arms drift down to your sides.