HOW TO Make A Banana Crunch Pop Page

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HOW TO Make A Banana Crunch Pop
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Learn HOW TO make a Banana Crunch Pop with Chris Shabob and Devyn
How to! [MUSIC PLAYING] How to make a banana crunch pop. Otherwise known as a crispity nana stick. You'll need one cup of strawberry yogurt, two cups of fruity cereal, two bowls, four bananas cut in half, eight wooden pop sticks, wax paper and a baking sheet. Actually, let's call them bana-po crunches. Yeah, I like that. Step one, line the baking sheet with wax paper. Step two, put the yogurt and the cereal into two separate bowls. Step three, put a wooden pop stick into the cut side of each banana half. No, wait. I got it. Nani-nani pop-pops. Step four, dip a banana in the yogurt, roll it in the cereal until it's totally covered and then put it on the baking sheet. Repeat with the next seven bananas. Dip and roll. Two, dip and roll. Three, dip and roll. Four, dip and roll. Five, dip and roll. Six, dip and roll. Seven, dip and roll. Eight, all done. Step five, put the sheet into the freezer for one hour. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Step six, take it out of the freezer, put each one in a plastic bag and put them back in the freezer for two more hours. You know, we could call them cracklin' icy banana-rific stickler thingy's. Then grab a bunch of friends and enjoy. Totally delicious. Well, now we could just call them gone. Now go bananas. (SINGING) First you form banana Form, form banana First you form bananas Form, form bananas Then you peel bananas Peel, peel bananas Then you peel bananas Peel, peel bananas Then you go bananas Go, go bananas Then you go bananas Go, go, go bananas (SPEAKING) That's crazy bananas. I'm going bananas. Whoops.