Guacamole: ATK Kids Edition Page

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Silivia from The Best Tees is back with America’s Test Kitchen Kids chef, Adelina, to sing, dance, and prepare the best snack ever–GUACAMOLE!
[AUDIO LOGO] "Guacamole-- ATK Kids Edition." Hey, hey, I'm Silvia from The Besties. And I'm Adelina from America's Test Kitchen Kids. And we love guacamole. Should we make some? Yeah. I'm so hungry. [MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING) Guacamole, we eat it every day. Guacamole, make it the easy way. Guacamole, it's such a yummy treat. Guacamole, we cannot wait to eat. First you start with avocado, salt, and lime juice. That's our motto. And throw your veggies in the bowl. And now it's time to rock and roll. Eat it with some carrot sticks. Throw some crackers in the mix. This snack passes all the tests because guacamole is the best. You will need the following to make guacamole-- three avocados; one lime, juiced; 1/2 a teaspoon of salt; 1 plum tomato, chopped; 2 tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped; 1 scallion, thinly sliced. Step one, prepare your ingredients. Always ask a grown-up to help keep you safe in the kitchen. Step two, place the avocados, lime juice, and salt in a bowl and mash them up. Wow, you're so strong. Thank you. You're welcome. Step three, fold in the scallions, cilantro, and tomatoes. What a technique you have. Can you teach me? Of course. So just go under the bowl and-- yeah, OK. Amazing. That was so easy to make. Yep, I told you. That's why I love guacamole. So, do we get to eat it now? Let's do it. Yes! Oh. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. [? I'm going ?] [? to ?] make a sandwich of guacamole. Mm. Chip on top, [? a ?] [? little ?] guacamole-- wow, yours is prettier than mine. Thank you. [? That ?] should be a thing. [LAUGHTER] For more kid-tested, kid-approved recipes, check out [AUDIO LOGO] This is so good. Woo! [LAUGHTER]