SuperNoodle Connection: Be Yourself and Be With Others Page

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SuperNoodle Connection: Be Yourself and Be With Others
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Flash builds trust and a sense of belonging through focus and friends.
What is up, SuperNoodle friends? I'm here today to talk to you about connecting with other people by building trust and feeling safe to try new things. Check this out. Last summer, Squatchy was telling me about the new zip line that had opened up on patience peak just above lightning lake. Totally awesome. Oh, I was super excited about this new adventure and couldn't stop talking about it. My squirrel crew had no choice, but to hear me go on and on about my need for speed to blaze a trail down the mountain on a cable line for days. [LAUGHS] Finally, Barry, my head squirrel mechanic couldn't take it anymore and decided he wanted to join us on the zip line. But Barry was nervous and understandably so because this was the craziest idea ever. Barry trusted us and he was ready to try something new, even though he was nervous about it. Squatchy and I reassured Barry that everything would be OK. Squatchy even volunteered to run underneath him to catch him if he fell. Squatchy, Barry, the squirrel crew and I all have a connection. We belong together. We trust and know we can be our crazy selves and help each other do the same. [MUSIC PLAYING] The day finally came. Barry and I would each do the parallel ziplines at the same time. Squatchy would be at the top to release us and then race down to the bottom to catch us. Barry felt confident in himself and his surroundings, and so did we. We tried a scary new thing together, and it felt like everyone belonged. And although my motto is let's go fast, I knew Barry was scared. So he went slow while I zipped fast. But you know what? He did it. And Squatchy was ready to catch us when we got to the end of the line. What a rush! When we got down to the bottom, we couldn't wait to do it again and again. And not only did I go lightning fast, but so did Barry. He just got faster and faster the second time around. It was epic. I'm so proud of him. And I'm proud of myself for being exactly who I am. One fast, never furious, lightning bolt of connection and friendship. I don't have to pretend to be anything other than who I am. And I know that I can connect, support, and help others feel that way too. You be you. I'll be me and we'll be we. [CHUCKLES] Connection helps us be strong and cool. All right, SuperNoodlers It's time for us to pop up and get going. [BUZZING] Wow! That was electric. We're going to keep this car moving. It takes some time to learn even more about connection with our teacher and friends. First, let's move. Wheels up. In three, two, one, go. [MUSIC PLAYING]