Every Body MAD Together Page

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Practice your MAD mind/body connection with your classmates and Matt Maxey. Every body, all together!
[MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING) Everybody, move together. Everybody, move together! Woo-hoo! Let's move, everybody. [SPEAKING SPANISH] Hi, everybody, I'm Matt Maxey and I'm so happy to be here today to talk about celebrating our feelings together. How exciting! It's important to talk about your feelings with people you trust, but it's even more important to feel and notice them in your body, which is why we're here today to have the world's first ever emotional dance party! [CHEERING] Woo-hoo! We're so excited. [SPEAKING SPANISH] Oh, hey, Inflatable Stacy and Esteban, welcome to the party. Thanks, Matt. [SPEAKING SPANISH] Matt. Ah. I love you guys, too. We all have different ways of experiencing the world through sight, sound, touch, taste, or smell. We feel our stomachs telling us, we're hungry, so we can eat food for fun and energy. We feel our eyes get sleepy when it's time for rest and we feel a different emotions or feelings, like happy or excited, when friends ask us to sit with them at lunch or when we get to watch GoNoodle videos. [CHEERING] We may feel sad, mad, or worried when we need extra help and that's OK. Everybody needs help sometimes. Remember, feelings look different on everyone. We all feel a lot of the same feelings, but the way we may look may not match the way we feel and feelings come in different sizes. Today, we are going to practice embodying the feeling of being mad with our classmates. Hi, my friend. What's up? Hey, my, friend. Hi, my friends. When I say, let's move together, follow along with me or one of my friends. You can even freestyle if you want. Your team will support you and all of your moves. Dance off! [SPEAKING SPANISH] All right. Come on, everybody. Let's move together. [CHEERING] Let's move, everybody. [SPEAKING SPANISH] [MUSIC PLAYING] Good job, everybody. That was great. Now let's try coming back to the present moment with our feet on the floor. Let's practice being exactly where we are together. Breathe in and breathe out. Everybody, all together. Here we go. (SINGING) Here and now, right here and right now. Here and now. Right here and right now. [SINGING IN SPANISH] (SINGING) Stomp right now, right here and right now. Clap right now, right here and right now. Snap right now, right here and right now. [CLICK] right now, right here and right now. Here and now, right here and right now. Here and now, right here and right now. Here and now, right here and right now. Here and now, right here and right now. You can always come back to right here and right now when a feeling feels too big. It may help to remember that feelings are temporary, but they still deserve our attention. We're all on the same team. Everybody, all together. [CHEERING] [SPEAKING SPANISH]