Pop See Ko Page

Level 2/5Flash BoltonClassroom bot
Pop See Ko
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Your hands are high, your feet are low, now show us how you POP SEE KO!
Hey, you. Hey, what? Are you ready? For what? To pop. Pop what? Pop See Ko. My hands are high, my feet are low, and this is how I pop see ko. Your hands are high, your feet are low, and this is how you pop see ko. Pop see ko. Pop-pop see ko. Pop see ko. Pop-pop see ko. Hey, pop stars. Hey, what? Are you ready? For what? To pop. Pop what? Pop See Ko. My hands are high, my feet are low, and this is how I pop see ko. Your hands are high, your feet are low, and this is how you pop see ko. Pop see ko. Pop-pop see ko. Pop see ko. Pop-pop see ko. Hey, y'all. Hey, what? Are you ready? For what? To pop. Pop what? Pop see ko. My hands are high, my feet are low, this is how I pop see ko. Your hands are high, your feet are low, and this is how you pop see ko. Pop see ko, pop-pop see ko. Pop see ko. Pop-pop see ko. Hey, you in the back. Huh? Are you ready? Huh? To pop. What are you talking about? Pop See Ko. Who is this? My hands are high, my feet are low, this is how I pose a question. My hands are high, your feet are low, and this is how you pop see ko. Pop see ko. Pop-pop see ko. What's happening? Pop see ko. Who are you? Pop-pop see ko. Hey, hey. [BURBLING] Are you ready? [BURBLING] To pop. [BURBLING] Pop See Ko [RHYTHMIC BURBLING] My hands are high, your feet are low, and this is how you pop see ko. Pop see ko, pop-pop see ko. Pop see ko, pop-pop see ko. Hey, noodlers. Are you ready? To pop-- pop see ko. Your hands are high, your feet are low. Show us how you pop see ko. Pop see ko, pop-pop see ko. Pop see ko, pop-pop see ko. Pop see ko, pop-pop see ko. Pop see ko, pop-pop see ko. Pop!