Hip Hop Astronaut Page

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Hip Hop Astronaut
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Get your space suit on and dance in space like Neil Armstrong!
Awesome Sauce. Dance, jog, wiggle, or shake to this stellar song. This is Houston. Who is that guy? (SINGING) I'm a hip hop astronaut Yeah, yeah, A hip hop astronaut Yeah, boy Got my space suit on cause my gravity's gone And I'm dancing out in space like Neil Armstrong Did you know that the sun is really a star And the largest volcano exists on Mars Space lightning's a thing Saturn has ice rings And there may be a planet that's made of bling A single day on Venus is longer than a year All of space is silent so there's nothing to hear The moon's a chunk of the earth Jupiter's got girth Around 4.6 billion years ago was the solar system's birth I'm a hip hop astronaut Yeah, yeah A hip hop astronaut Yeah boy, Got my space suit on because my gravity's gone And I'm dancing out in space like Neil Armstrong Astronauts can't burp in space, yo The rotation of Saturn is real slow There's a planet that has a pink glow GJ504B Venus has mountains that are capped with snow And NASA's looking into how space plants grow Mars has craters that suggest water flow There's at least three astronauts named Joe There's so much about space that we don't know I'm a hip hop astronaut Yeah, yeah A hip hop astronaut Yeah, boy Got my spacesuit on cause my gravity's gone And I'm dancing out in space like Neil Armstrong I'm a hip hop astronaut Yeah, yeah A hip hop astronaut Yeah, boy Got my spacesuit on cause my gravity's gone And I'm dancing out in space like Neil Armstrong Space out Word to your mothership