Finding Squatchy Page
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Finding Squatchy
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Join the adventure as we search for this hairy creature, deep in the Forest of Giant Trees!
[GROWLING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Deep in the forest of giant trees, there is rumored to be a hairy beast with rather large feet. But no one has ever taken a good picture, until today. I've set up cameras like this across the forest to capture anything that moves. Boo! What was that? If this hairy beast does truly exist, I'll be sure to find it. I've just made an exciting discovery, fresh tracks made by unusually large feet. But what is most interesting is the pattern of these footprints. Why would they be spaced like this? Left, right, cha, cha, cha. Left, right, cha, cha, cha. Left, right, cha, cha, cha. The footage from my night vision camera allows me to see into the darkness, which will help me find this large-footed creature. Ah. Oh, no, it's just the shadow of a bunny. Wait, that's not right. What in the world? [HOWLING LIKE WOLF] That's no wolf. Eureka, I've found him. [GOBBLING] Wait, is that a turkey? [GOBBLING] I've just discovered fresh tracks made by unusually large feet. Now that I know he's out here, I must find him. Gobble? [GASPS] Hello? Oh! [GOBBLING] [GASPS] [SCREAMING] Wait, you dropped something. Huh. This look like fun. What is that? [GOBBLING] Oh! [LAUGHS] Oh! [LAUGHS] Come on, Tom. You play too. Gobble. Oh, Tom no fun. This is fun. Hi, Squatchy. Thank you for being on show. Oh, thanks, Squatchy. This show is Squatchy's favorite. [GASPS] My favorite too, Squatchy. [GOBBLING] Yes, silly Squatchy talk to self, but no one else around. [GOBBLING] Squatchy talk to someone in there? [GOBBLING] Be sure to watch Squatchy Talk on GoNoodle. Who that? Coming soon to a forest near you. Creepy forest.