Overdrive Page
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Put your brain and body in overdrive with this intense and awesome cardio workout.
[GUITAR PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] What's up? This legs and ab workout is a little intense. Prepare to get your lungs and heart pumping. Let's go into overdrive. Side bends guys. Work those obliques. Twisting lunge. Twist to the knee. To the opposite knee. Twist it out. Twist it out. Come on. Twist it out to the opposite knee. All right. Seal jacks. Here we go. Keep those arms up. Shoulder height. Come on. All right. Double time. Keep those arms up. Keep them up. Twisting Lunge. To the knee. To the knee. Twist it out. Work that core. Work it out. Twist. Twist to the knee. To the knee. To the opposite knee. Come on. Toe touches across your body. Opposite arm, opposite foot. Here we go. Back into lunges. Twist to the opposite knee. You got this. Come on. Twist it out. Are you ready to roll? Come on. Twist it out to the opposite knee. Come on. All right. Side bends. Work those obliques. Come on. Work them out. Work them. Great stuff. Let's take a moment to cool down. Take a deep breath in and out. Again, in and out. Last time. In and out. Nice. Have an awesome day. Freshstart out. [GUITAR PLAYING]