My Body Says What? Page

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Learn to check in with your body so you can identify your emotions.
My body says what? Sometimes emotions can be hard to read and hard to identify. So next time you're all, what am I feeling? Who can I ask? Try checking in with your own body. Let's practice. Do what I do with my body and try to guess the emotion that goes with each movement. Eyes first. Tight and squinted says angry. Open and bright says joyful. Big as can be with curled brows says fearful. Now the mouth. Tight muscles and jaw says nervous. Eyes closed and jaw heavy and loose says I'm fine. Onto your shoulders. Relaxed, back, and down says safe. Up and forward says worry. Tired and sore says stressed. And now your breath. Quick and shallow says upset. Deep and fast says excited. Hard to inhale says anxious. Sighing exhale says settled. It's belly time. Fluttery says worry. Tight says mad. Nauseous says upset. Check out your hands. Fist say angry. Ringing says concerned. And finally, your feet. Tapping says impatient or stressed. Aching says tired or overwhelmed. Your body is always with you, always, even as you are feeling all these emotions. Pay attention when it tries to tell you what you're really feeling. It's got so much to say. Trust it. Because that's what it's all about, being Laser fresh. My body's telling me I'm hungry right now. Say what? I think it's time for lunch. Lunch. It's time for lunch. Lunch. It's time to [INAUDIBLE] eat up.