Doggy High Five Page

Level 2/5Flash BoltonClassroom bot
Doggy High Five
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earn a point for your champ!
Sing, dance, and give doggy high fives to everyone you know!
Awesome Sauce. Dance, jog, wiggle, or shake to this stellar song. (SINGING) Doggy high fives Doggy high fives Doggy high fives Give a doggy high five The dog drove a car Give your nose a high five The dog dreamed of beef Give your thigh a high five The dog rode a skateboard Give the air a high five The dog wore a tutu Give your shoe a high five Doggy high fives Doggy high fives Doggy high fives Give a doggy high five The dog got married Give your back a high five The dog had a ginormous tongue Give the floor a high five The dog staring at donuts Give your face a high five The dog's head was poofy Give the wall a high five Doggy high five Doggy high fives Doggy high fives Give a doggy high five The dog licked the donkey Give your eyeball high five The dog wore a sombrero Give your calf a high five The dog taught math Give your three a high five The dog with a frog Give anything you want a high five Doggy high fives Doggy high fives Doggy high fives Give a doggy high five Doggy high fives Doggy high fives Doggy high fives Give a doggy high fives Who's a good doggy?