Moose Don't Allow Page

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Moose Don't Allow
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Do all sorts of fancy dancing as you sing this catchy song!
[TRUMPET BLOWING] Bridgette, do you see that sign? No dancing. What's up with that? (SINGING) Moose don't allow no fancy dancing round here That's crazy, right? Moose don't allow no fancy dancing round here And it makes no sense Well, we don't care what moose don't allow Gonna fancy dance anyhow Moose don't allow no fancy dance round here Well, I'm still dancing Moose don't allow no bootscooting round here Yeehaw Moose don't allow no bootscooting round here Wahoo! Well, we don't care what moose don't allow Gonna scoot our boots anyhow Moose don't allow no bootscooting round here Ride em, cowboy Moose don't allow no shimmy shaking round here Shimmy, shimmy, shimmy Moose don't allow no shimmy shaking round here (SPEAKING) Bonjourno! Hey, man. Just tying my shoe. (SINGING) Well, we don't care what moose don't allow Gonna shake and shimmy anyhow Moose don't allow no shimmy shaking round here Shimmy, shimmy, shimmy Moose don't allow no whip and nae and nae round here Watch me, watch me Moose don't allow no whip and nae, nae round here Bop, bop Well, we don't care what moose don't allow Gonna whip and nae, nae anyhow Moose don't allow on whip and nae, nae round here Ooh, kick it! Moose don't allow no cha-cha round here Ol Moose don't allow no cha-cha round here Calient Well, we don't care what moose don't allow Gonna cha-cha-cha anyhow Moose don't allow no cha-cha round here (SPEAKING) Hey. Arrivederci. Vamanos. Does it look like we were dancing? I don't know. (SINGING) Moose don't allow no ballet turning round here Up on relev Moose don't allow no ballet turning round here And grand pil Well, we don't care what moose don't allow Gonna ballet turn, cha-cha-cha, whip, nae, nae, shimmy shake, scoot our boots anyhow Moose don't allow no fancy dance round here (SPEAKING) What's this I hear about me not allowing dancing? I love the dancing. The sign. Oh! Yeah. There's a leaf on it. It says, no dancing gorillas. Oh! Of course. They always step on my feet. Ah, Fabio! Ah, help! Gorilla dancing-- I'll get you, you crazy gorilla. I'll get you. Run! Come get me. Come on. Come. Awkward. Dancing gorilla. Dancing gorilla. Dancing gorilla. Na, na, na-- [MOOSE GURNT]