Yes, No, Maybe, So Page

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Yes, No, Maybe, So
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Say yes to this exercise that stretches your neck and your brain!
[MUSIC PLAYING] Brainercise with Mr. Catman. Yes, No, Maybe, So. [CAT MEOWING] [SNORING] It appears that Mr. Catman is taking a cat nap. [CLEARS THROAT] He's up. Shake your head yes like Mr. Catman. Then turn your head no. Next, shrug your shoulders up and down. Meow, let's combine the three. Shrug your shoulders up and down while alternating between nodding yes and turning no. Slowly at first. Meow got it? Shrug your shoulders while alternating between shaking your head yes and no. Try it a little faster. Yes no, maybe, so. Maybe not. It's all good. I'm not kitting you. Practice makes purrfect. For real. [CAT MEOWING]