Get Back on Track Page

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Get Back on Track
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Take a minute to slow down and get back on track.
[MUSIC PLAYING] Get back on track. Sometimes you can get off track, feel unsettled, or feel out of balance. But with practice, you can change that. Let's give it a try. Stand up. Can you feel your feet, solid on the ground? You're standing. Notice that-- heavy, steady, tall. Let's get a little off center, a little off track. Tilt your head to one side, then the other, side to side. Don't get yourself dizzy. Pause if you do. You will go off center with each tilt. Side to side, side to side, and side to side. Pause. Now find your center. Pause there. This time, add your shoulders. Sway your upper body, as well as your head, side to side, side to side, and side to side. Slow down. Pause. Find center again. Get back on track. Maybe do one more set of side to sides with your whole body. Sway side to side, side to side, and side to side. Pause. Find your center. Your whole body was off track, off balance, and now you've returned yourself to center, back on track, back to balance. With your body in control and at center, notice what you feel from the inside. Maybe you feel a little calm, more in control, on track. Settle in there. Breathe in and so slowly out. Next time you feel off track, out of balance, try tilting your head side to side, once or twice, and see if you can get back to center, your center. Then, in that very moment, settle in there. Breathe in and out.