Contraction Connoisseur Page

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This swaggy song will get you singing, dancing, and combining words into contractions! YOU'RE going to love it!
Contraction Connoisseur. [MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING) Whoa OK I like this Come on Blazer Fresh Contractions are wrong that I'm sure you concur Come on and dance for me I'm a contractor connoisseur Turn two words into one, monsieur Who are you? I'm a contractor connoisseur There's always an apostrophe or missing letters, word You know how I know I'm a contractor Hop in this ride for my contraction tour Contraction connoisseur will be your chauffeur I am turns I'm Would have turns would've You are turns to you're Could heart turns to could've Were not turns to weren't He is turns to he's Are not turns to aren't She is turns to she's Roses are red, violets are blue The construction connoisseur is here, let's rendezvous You will turn to you'll Will not turns to won't You have turns to you've Do not turns to don't It is turns to it's Is not turns to isn't Can not turns to can't Did not turns to didn't Roses are red, violets are blue The contraction connoisseur is here I'm getting deja vu The contractor connoisseur is here I'm getting deja vu The contractor connoisseur is here I'm getting deja vu Stop, stop. We got to get back to the bridge. (SINGING) Contraction are made up of two words combined It's like the words get together, then they unify They call it that because contract means shrink It's shorter than the original words, don't you think? Put the apostrophe and place some missing letters We love the apostrophe, we wrote it on our sweater A-P-O-S-T-R-O-P-H-E When is turns to when's There is turns to there's Who is turns to who's Where is turns to where's Has not turns to hasn't She will turns to she'll He is turns to he's He will turns to he'll Contractors are all that I'm sure you can curb Come on and dance with me, I'm the contractor connoisseur Turn two words into one, monsieur Who are you? I'm the contractor connoisseur There's always an apostrophe where missing letters were You know how I know I'm a contractor connoisseur I hope you enjoyed the contraction tour Now you too are a contraction connoisseur Connoisseur Contraction connoisseur Contraction connoisseur Contraction connoisseur That's French, homie