Manage Frustration Page
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Manage Frustration
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Stretch and learn how to calm down and manage frustration with this calming video.
[MUSIC PLAYING] Life comes with a lot of challenges. And sometimes when things feel like they aren't going well, those challenges turn into frustrations. Stand tall in Mountain Pose. Lift your right knee, and find your balance. Now step your right leg back behind you into a Lunge with your front knee bent and your back heel up off the ground. Lift your arms overhead. Do you feel your legs working? If you want to work a little harder, slide your back foot out further and bend your knee a little more. As you start to move in this pose, notice what happens to your body, if you get frustrated. Does it tighten up? Get shaky? Reach your hands towards the ceiling. Straighten your front leg, and lift up high on your back toes. Pause for a moment. And then lower back down. [EXHALES] Three more times. Lift up. Lower down. [EXHALES] Lift up. Lower down. [EXHALES] Lift up. Lower down. Bring your weight forward onto your front foot. And as you straighten your front leg, lift your back leg off the ground. You can reach your arms out in front of you, or you can bring them back by your sides. Stay here for a few moments, and notice what happens if you start to feel wobbly. When you get frustrated by a challenge, it can help to take a break and start again, rather than keeping at what you're doing and getting more and more frustrated. If you're getting frustrated right now, consider bringing your leg down, taking a pause, [EXHALES] relaxing your body, and then coming back into the pose. Stand up, pull your right knee up to your chest, and then lower it down. Lift your left knee to work on your other side. First, find your balance, and then step your left foot way back into that Lunge. Arms up and front knee bent. Slowing your breath down and focusing on inhaling and exhaling through your nose can help you push through a challenging moment. Take a slow breath in through your nose as you straighten your front leg, and lift up high on your back toes. Can you lift up for the whole time that you're breathing in? When you're ready to exhale, breathe out as slowly as possible through your nose as you lower back down. Three more times. Inhale through your nose as you lift up. And exhale slowly. Lower down. Inhale up. Exhale down. Inhale up. Exhale down. Now bring your weight forward onto your front foot. Straighten your front leg, and lift your back leg. As you work to balance here, notice if you get frustrated or tense when you're shaky. If so, you can either slow your breath down [INHALES AND EXHALES] to help your body relax or just put your foot down, pause, and come back up after a break. Stand up, pull your left knee into your chest, then lower it down. Come back to Mountain Pose. Frustrating things are always going to come up in life, but you have the power to notice what is happening and use your body and your breath to manage your frustration, then you can go with the flow and do your best even when things are difficult. [MUSIC PLAYING]