Elephant Breath Page

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Elephant Breath
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Feeling sluggish? These envigorating elephant breaths will perk you right up!
[MUSIC PLAYING] Elephant breath. Elephants only sleep about four hours a night. Oh. You think they'd be exhausted all day long, but they're not. If you're feeling sluggish, elephant breaths can help perk you up. Oh, I need a quick pick me up. To get your elephant breath on, stand with your feet wide apart. Oh. And dangle your arms in front of you like an elephant trunk. Breathe in through your nose as you raise your arms high above your head. Then breathe out through your mouth as you swing your arms down. Try it. [TRUMPETING] [EXHALES] Hey, look at me, I'm a moosephant. Yes, you are. Let's stand tall, and let's breathe like a herd of elephants. Ready? Breathe in. [TRUMPETING] And out. [EXHALES] Breathe in. Arms up. [TRUMPETING] Breathe out. Arms down. Breathe in and up. [TRUMPETING] Breathe out and down. [EXHALES] Breathe in and up. [TRUMPETING] And out and down. [EXHALES] Breathe in. [TRUMPETING] Breathe out. [EXHALES] Breathe in. Arms up. [TRUMPETING] Lower them. [EXHALES] Breathe in. Arms up. [TRUMPETING] Breathe out. Arms down. [EXHALES] Breathe in. [TRUMPETING] And out. [EXHALES] Raise up. [TRUMPETING] Arms down. [EXHALES] Breathe in. [TRUMPETING] Breathe out. [EXHALES] Nice. Hopefully these breaths left you energized. And to make sure you stay energized, try to get at least nine hours of sleep each night. You may breathe like an elephant, but you shouldn't sleep like one. I have so much energy now. I want to dance. [UPBEAT MUSIC] [INAUDIBLE] Hey, Bobby [INAUDIBLE]. Almost got stuck down there. [MUSIC PLAYING]