Raise The Roof: The Loud House Page
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Bump volleyballs, swat away bees, and chop gigantic pickles so you can watch a new clip of the Loud House on Nickelodeon.
Raise the Roof with the Loud House. Use your body to get rid of all the obstacles so you can watch the Loud House. Level 1, shoo away the pigeons. Watch out! Keep going. Look, it's Clyde and Lincoln. Bump the volleyballs. You got it! All right! What's Luan up to? Great job! Squish the bugs. Ugh! It's so squishy. Look, it's Leni Loud. I knew you could do it! Slice the watermelons. Great job! What's Lana doing with that pool noodle? All right! Raise the roof. Keep going. That's it. Great job! Level 2, push the chair. Keep pushing. That's it. Are there to Lisa's? You've got it! Chase away the ghosts. Watch out! Oh, spooky! Lily is so cute. Awesome! Chop the pickles. You've got it! I don't know what Leni is doing. Nice work. Clear away the smoke. [COUGH] It's so smoky. I can't see the screen. All right! Raise the roof. Keep going. Just a little more. I see Lucy. Great job! Level 3, swat away the bees. Oh, there's so many. I can't see the screen, and I want to see Luna. Shoo, bees. Keep going. Roll away the meatballs. They're gigantic! Watch out! I wish I could see the screen. Bye bye meatballs. Chop down the cactus. It's growing! Watch out for spines. You've got it! Look at Luna rock! Nice work. Raise the roof. Keep going. You can do it. Woo-hoo! We did it! Finally! You can watch the Loud House. OK, guys. Time's up. Pencils down. Or in your case, Lisa, pipe cleaners. Well, it was a close call, but congratulations! You all passed! Hurrah! We did it! The Loud House, only on Nickelodeon.