Cat Man In Outerspace Page

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Cat Man In Outerspace
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ME-YOWZA! Mr. Catman is stranded on a strange planet and he needs YOUR help to get him home!
Meow. Catman in space, space, space! Meowza. I'm stranded on a strange planet. What a catastrophe. I've simply got to find the alien leader so I can get back home. Come with me. Run! Jump! Whoa. Paw-lease get me out of here. Dodge right! Ah! Lava me alone. Duck! Cheerio, space champ. Duck! That was a close one, fur real. Dodge right! [HORN HONKING] Pardon me-ow. Jump! [INAUDIBLE] Take me to your leader. Dodge left! Hope that wasn't a stop sign. Jump! Look out! Oh! Duck! I wish that was a saucer of milk. Jump! Strange things are afoot. Dodge left! Was that my cousin, Purr-civil? Jump! Whoa! Dodge right! [BARNYARD NOISES] Jump! Avoid the droid. [DOG BARKING] Dodge left! Ai-chihuahua. Jump! Yikes! [HORSE WHINNYING] Duck! Was that a dorse or a huck? Jump! I just missed the point. [CHUCKLES] Jump! Ah! Duck! Yummy cheese. Me-ouse. Kick! I'm having a ball up here. Weave! Ah! Am I back in the '80s? Duck! Another paw-some maneuver. Jump! I hope that wasn't a cookbook. Dodge! Great balls of fire. Ah, hello. I come in peace. [SPEAKING ALIEN LANGUAGE] Live long and prosper? [SPEAKING ALIEN LANGUAGE] May the paws be with you? [SPEAKING ALIEN LANGUAGE] Catman phone home? [SPEAKING ALIEN LANGUAGE] [BLAST] [SPEAKING ALIEN LANGUAGE] Meow.