Light as a Feather Page
Level 2/5Flash BoltonClassroom bot
Light as a Feather
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Use your body and breath to feel lighter and more open for positive emotions in this calming mindfulness exercise.
(soothing instrumental music) Voiceover There are times when we feel sad or down. Heavy emotions can be difficult to change. To lift. But our bodies and breath might be able to help us feel lighter and more open to moments of happiness and joy. Give it a try. Sit tall. As tall as you can. You can be settled on the ground, with your legs crossed. Or in your chair, with your feet flat on the floor. Sit even taller. Let your hands rest on your legs. For a moment, tap your hands gently on your legs. Can you feel that? Just a moment more of tapping. Three, two, one, and stop. Notice if you can feel your hands being still. Can you feel the weight of them? Maybe you can feel their stillness. Can your legs feel your hands there? Just notice for you. Now lift your hands up as you breathe in. Like a feather. Your hands stay in front of you. And maybe, go as high as the top of your head. Pause there. Now, as you breathe out, float your hands down. Go slowly. Hands lift with your in breath. Fill with air. And with your out breath, let your hands float down. And even sway from side to side. The light feather patiently glides its way to your lap. Breathe in to raise. And breathe out to lightly float down again. This time, practice creating lightness from the inside. Allow your hands to remain flat on your legs. With your eyes opened or closed, inhale and imagine the feather lifts oh so lightly. And with your exhale, it glides down patiently. Take your time. Try a few more. In, and up. Out, and down. Now lift your hands up. Extend your arms. And stretch high. Maybe you yawn. Or you just breathe in big. Float your hands down one more time to your lap. Exhaling the whole way. Settle there. Be still there. Light as a feather. And still.