We’re the Party! Page

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You ARE the Party when you stay safe at home and P-A-R-T-Y along with Blazer Fresh!
Yo, Rasheem! What are you doing? Nothing. Yo, Anstar! What are you doing? Uh, nothing. What do y'all want to do? I don't know. What do you want to do? Party! Party? Where? We're the party. I wasn't invited to any party. We're the party. Well, where's the party? We are the "par-tay!" (SINGING) We're the party, the shindig, the amusement, the ball. We're the blowout, the cake, la fiesta, la fiesta! We're the party, the disco, the moveable feast. The jubilee, the bar mitzvah, the festivity. We're the get-together. Yeah, we can get together. And P- A- R- T- Y. We're going to get together. We all will get together. Blow it up like the Fourth of July. Don't go so quick. Dance! Move so nimble, sharp like a needle, put on a thimble. Uh-huh. Ready to rock out. Rocking my Blazer. Straight and starched like some card stock paper. Roll with my team. No say no haters. Blazer Fresh moving like three skyscrapers. Yeah! Dance with your old style, so many flavors. Viva ballerina, jazz, funk, or Flavor. We're the party, the throw down, the soiree, the spree. We're the cookies with the jelly at the afternoon tea. We're the party, the prom, the reception, the jam, the ball drop, the muffin with the little cube of ham. We're the get-together, then we can get together. And P- A- R- T- Y. You want to get together? We all will get together. Cut it up like a samurai. We got to tell the world how to party this hard. Show them that the party is wherever they are. OK, I'm going to text my extended family, and then we're going to be with us the all of humanity. Where's the party? When you clap, that's the hot fire jump-starting you. When you stomp, that's the beat, beat, beat of a heart in you. When you roll, that's the way that your body speaks. Now put it all together till you feel the heat in your seat. If you please. When you clap, that's the hot wire jump-starting you. When you stomp, that's the beat, beat, beat of the heart in you. When you roll, that's the way that your body speaks. Now put it all together till you feel the heat in your cheeks. We're the party, the shindig, the amusement, the ball. We're the blow out, the cake, la fiesta, la fiesta. We're the party, the disco, the movable feast, the jubilee, the bar mitzvah, the festivity. We're the party, the club, the revelry, the bad, the rooftop pool with the big ol' splash. We're the party, the barnyard hootenanny. We're the donkey pinata with the bat and the candy. Party time, y'all. Let's hit it. We're the get together. Yeah, we can get together. And P- A- R- T- Y. We're going to get together. We always get together. Blow it up like the Fourth of July. We can get together. Yeah, we can get together. And P- A- R- T- Y. We're going to get together. We all can get together. Cut it up like a samurai. Come on! Well that party was bananas!