GoNoodle House Party PIZZA PARTY EDITION Page

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Grab a slice (or two!) and celebrate the BEST FOOD ON EARTH with Arnstar, Rasheem & Moose Fabio in our GoNoodle PIZZA PARTY!
Group GoNoodle House Party! (upbeat dance music) Welcome to the party, GoNoodlers. You got your boy Arnstar here. And me, Liquid Briggy, aka Rasheem. Moose And me, the newest member of Blazer Fresh, Big Moosey Fabfab. And this isn't just any party. This is the GoNoodle House Party. All Pizza Party Edition! (air horn wailing) Today we are celebrating the most perfect party food, the pizza. Moose I love the pizza, especially with extra meatballs. Well, we got you covered, Fabio, 'cause this party is packed with pizza videos. And pizza party challenges. And I just ordered a large pizza with extra meatballs to be delivered right here. Moose Mamma mia, a large meatball pizza. But what are you two gonna eat? Fabio, it's a large pizza. It's for all of us to share. And while we wait for it to get here, let's get into the pizza mood with Moose Tube and "Pizza Man." Right here at the GoNoodle House Party. All Pizza Party Edition. Pizza party Got a pizza party Get the pizza party, ho, ho (upbeat fanfare) Hey, bo diddly-bop Hey, bo diddly-bop I gotta get back to my job I gotta get back to my job With this pizza in my hand With this pizza in my hand I'm gonna be your pizza man I'm gonna be a pizza man (doorbell rings) Hey, bo diddly-bop Hey, bo diddly-bop I gotta get back to my job I gotta get back to my job With these car keys in my hand With these car keys in my hand I'm gonna drive the minivan I'm gonna drive a minivan Minivan, pizza man, I'm gonna be a pizza man Hey, bo diddly-bop Hey, bo diddly-bop I gotta get back to my job I gotta get back to my job With this basketball in my hand With this basketball in my hand I'm gonna be like Michael Jordan I'm gonna be like Michael Jordan Michael Jordan, minivan, pizza man I'm gonna be a pizza man Hey, bo diddly-bop Hey, bo diddly-bop I gotta get back to my job I gotta get back to my job With these ice cubes in my hand With these ice cubes in my hand I'm gonna be a chilly penguin I'm gonna be a chilly penguin Chilly penguin, Michael Jordan Minivan, pizza man I'm gonna be a pizza man Hey, bo diddly-bop Hey, bo diddly-bop I gotta get back to my job I gotta get back to my job With this fairy dust in my hand With this fairy dust in my hand I'm gonna fly like Peter Pan I'm gonna fly like Peter Pan Peter Pan, chilly penguin, Michael Jordan Minivan, pizza man I'm gonna be a pizza man Woo! Woo hoo-hoo. Did somebody order a pizza over here, bud? Moose I did! Extra meatballs, right? (mystical music) Oh, mamma mia, smell that pizza. (giggles) It's just for Fabio, yes? The pizza's a lie. You did a good job. Moose Fine, I take it all for me. (laughs) Group GoNoodle House Party! (upbeat dance music) Rasheem and Arnstar here from Blazer Fresh. And today we're celebrating the perfect food invented in Naples, Italy in the 1500s, pizza. Group I love pizza! That's right, this is the GoNoodle House Party. Pizza Party Edition. (air horn blares) That "Pizza Man" video got me in the mood for spicy tomato sauce, gooey cheese, and a crispy crust. Well until that pizza get here that we ordered, how about a vegetarian frankfurter with mustard in a toasted bun, shall we? I'll take it. Well then, get out here now, Not Dog. (upbeat fanfare) La la la la la Oh! Did somebody order a Not Dog? What is up GoNoodlers? Not Dog here, and pizza is one of my favorite foods. I love it with broccoli and with spinach, but enough about me. Let's find out our first challenge by spinning the pizza party wheel. (upbeat music) All right. (drum rumbles) Let's go. Come on, baby. Doing it, doing it. Let's get a good one. Doing it. All The rain in Spain. Man Totally nice, you're talking about the pizza. Each player gets three books and a rubber ducky. Mark a start line and a finish line, then go stand at the start. On go, race to the finish line, but if you drop something, you need to go back to the start. The person who crosses the finish line first wins. Okay, Arnstar, Rasheem, are you guys ready to earn your pizza? Yes. Okay, gotta come to me with all the books and the duck on your head. On your mark, get set, go! Rasheem Tadasala. Okay, that on your head. Pose. Okay, walking. The rain in Spain flows mainly on the plain. Oh my gosh! Woo! Okay, wait, stay, turn around carefully. I'm going back. We're gonna have a race back. Whoever falls off first is gonna be the winner, ready? And go, come to me. Come to me, come to me. Ahh! Ah! Okay, one last time, one last time. Ooh, ooh. Come to me. (bell dings) Oh, was there readjustment of the books there, Arnstar? There was not. I think Rasheem is the winner! And the winner is me. Sorry for my non-expressive-- You both worked up an amazing appetite, and I think it's time for you both to munch, crunch, and eat a bunch! True word, it's time for lunch with Blazer Fresh. Right here at the GoNoodle House Party. (upbeat music) Can you keep it on there? Can you turn around in a circle? Lemme see, turn in a circle. You guys are good. I mean, you've got like, a pizza hat and you've got a flat top, I am way impressed. Look at this, people, this is talent. Raw talent here! (upbeat music) I think it's time to get some Lunch, lunch It's time for lunch, lunch It's time to munch, crunch, eat a bunch It's time for lunch not brunch I'm starvin' Lunch, lunch It's time for lunch, lunch It's time to munch, crunch, eat a bunch It's time for lunch, now get it Let's eat some cheese, peas, broccolis Greens, beans, tangerines Turkey, turkey, stop your workey Lemon, lo mein, and lima beans Chicken fajita, hummus and pita Ravioli, guacamole What else? Homemade cupcake, milkshake, earthquake It's time to take a break for Lunch, lunch It's time for lunch, lunch It's time to munch, crunch, eat a bunch It's time for lunch, not brunch I'm starvin' Lunch, lunch It's time for lunch, lunch It's time to munch, crunch, eat a bunch It's time for lunch Not brunch My favorite subject Chicken leg, hard-boiled eggs Clam, hams, bread with jams Fish filets, yogurt parfait Crepes, grapes, sandwich, shakes Empanada, enchilada Veggie stew, honeydew PB and J Rapping my food is making me hungry for Lunch, lunch It's time for lunch, lunch It's time to munch, crunch, eat a bunch Get up and lunge then take the bunch Why are we still singing when we could be eating Nutritious, delicious, auspicious, proficious Lunch Let's eat Anybody got an extra spork? I lost mine. Group GoNoodle House Party! (upbeat music) You're chilling with Blazer Fresh. Moose And the Blazer Moose. At the GoNoodle House Party. All Pizza Party Edition. (air horn blares) Moose My mouth is watering. Did that pizza you ordered get here yet? Not yet, Fabio. Moose I'm so hungry. I'm gonna eat Rasheem's hat. How 'bout some meatballs, instead? Moose You have meatballs and you didn't tell me? Well, not exactly. But we do have a video called "Fabio's Meatball Run." Moose Yes, it's the time I brought a dish of fresh meatballs to my Grandmoose Philomena. Oh, how I wish I had that dish right now. Maybe running along with this next video will help you keep your mind off of food. Moose I'll try, but how 'bout just one little nibble of your delicious hat? No can do, Fabio. Hang in there. (upbeat music) Announcer "Fabio's Meatball Run." (electricity crackles) Moose It's me, Moose Fabio. I'm on my way to visit my Grandmoose Philomena to bring her some juicy meatballs. Grandmoose love the meatballs, just like me. (laughs) Let's go, we gotta run so the meatballs don't get cold. (upbeat music) Announcer Duck! Moose Should've opened my mouth. Announcer Jump! Moose Whoa, almost dropped my meatballs. Announcer Dodge left! Moose That's where the banana peel belongs. Announcer Jump! Moose Hello, (sings in foreign language). I almost crushed ya Announcer Jump! Moose Anyone gnome who that was? Announcer Dodge right! Moose Ciao, Caterina. Announcer Duck! Moose Watch the antlers. Announcer Jump! Moose Ooh, that would go great with my meatballs. Announcer Dodge right! Moose Now there's something you don't see every day. Announcer Duck! Moose Last I checked, pineapples don't fly. Announcer Duck! Moose Whoa, but drones do. Announcer Jump! Moose Mamma mia, it's a long way down. Announcer Kick! Moose Goal! Announcer Jump! Moose Who lost their boot? Announcer Dodge left! Moose Better question, who lost their piano? Announcer Jump! Moose ABC gum, that's disgusting. Announcer Dodge right! Moose Big Pufferson, I love your big scooter. Announcer Jump! Moose Purple stew, whip whip, whip whip. Announcer Dodge left! Moose That would be a lot easier in the water. Announcer Duck! Moose The planes, the planes! Announcer Dodge left! Moose Excuse me, chimpanzee. Announcer Duck! Moose Now that's a fly ball. Announcer Jump! Moose Ah, nice to see you, Shelley. Announcer Kick! Moose Now you see it, now you don't. Announcer Dodge right! Moose A duck riding a bear? That's so weird. Announcer Dodge left! Moose A frog riding an ostrich? Totally normal. Jump! Moose Did anyone catch the license plate on that thing? Announcer Duck! Moose Who would throw away perfectly good meatballs? Announcer Jump! Moose That pig knows how to party. Announcer Jump! Moose Try the ham, where's the cheese and bologna? Announcer Dodge right! Moose That's one funny bunny. (laughs) Announcer Jump! Moose I was almost in a pickle. Well, on the pickle. Announcer Dodge right! Moose Hey, you've got mail. Announcer Duck! Moose Missed me, Frisbee. Announcer Kick! Moose Hut, hut, hike. (laughs) Announcer Dodge left! Moose Those are talented cats. Ciao, Grandmoose Philomena. I brought you your favorite, meatballs. Philomena (speaking in foreign language), Fabio. Such a good boy. Now I can have a meatball hero sandwich. You remembered the bread, didn't you? Moose Well, I'll be right back. Philomena Fabio! Get me some mozzarella, too. Aye yi yi, classic Fabio. Ooh, ooh, ooh Group GoNoodle House Party! (upbeat music) Arnstar and Rasheem here from Blazer Fresh. And this party is all about one of the greatest foods of all time. It's saucy. Uh-huh. It's cheesy. Yeah. And in the United States, 350 of them are eaten every second. Oh, I know, I know, I know! Chili dog! No, Not Dog, it's pizza. (buzzer buzzes) I know, but the chili dog just doesn't get the love it deserves. 'Tis true. Well, maybe we'll celebrate chili dogs next time. But for now, let's spin the pizza party wheel. (upbeat music) Come on! Spinning! All You blew it! Each player gets 10 plastic cups and one balloon. Arrange the cups into two rows of fives and blow up the balloon. Knock over the cups using only the air from the balloon. You can blow it up again and again and again if you need to. The person who blows over all of the cups first wins. Are you guys ready? Yes. You ready? Okay. You fill your lungs with good air? You feeling good, all right? What do you say we get cooking, go! All right, blow up the balloons, blow up the balloons, and then use the air to blow, all right, keep going. It's working. Say hello to my little friend. Oh! Keep going, keep going, keep going. Who's the bad guy? Keep going, keep going. (laughs) Keep going. Keep doing it, you got it. (tense music) All right, keep going, blow 'em all over. All right, all right, all right. Arnstar has one, two, three, four, five left. Rasheem has one, two, three, four left. Keep going, blow 'em, blow 'em. You're doing good, good, ahh! Yeah, boy. Letting go of the balloon. Keep going, keep going, keep going. Arnstar, this might be yours, my love. Go, go, go, blow, blow, blow, go, go, go, blow, blow. (bell dings) Yes! Oh, Rasheem! Yes! Yeah, that's my guy right there. All right, I think it's that time in our pizza party that we have dessert. But we haven't even eaten our pizza yet. Well, who said we couldn't have dessert first? All right, well, I'm in the mood for peanut butter in a cup. Perfect, 'cause that's our next video. And just to keep the pizza theme going, be on the lookout for the hidden slice of pizza in this video. Take it away, Moose Tube. Right here at the GoNoodle House Party. All Pizza Party Edition. (air horn blares) (upbeat music) Peanut butter in a cup We sing this song to pump us up Bing, bang, choo-choo train Come on Rasheem do your thing I can't. [Not Dog And Arnstar] Why not? 'Cause I can't. [Not Dog And Arnstar] Why not? I got a balloon in my hand. Oh. Oh, okay. That's a good reason. Moose "Peanut Butter in a Cup." Sing and dance along! Peanut butter in a cup We sing this song to pump us up Bang, bang, choo-choo train Come on Bridgette do your thing I can't. Why not? I just can't. Why not? My back is aching, the sun's too bright My hips are popping from left to right From the left to the right From the left to the right Left, right, left, right Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right Peanut butter in a cup We sing this song to pump us up Bang, bang, choo-choo train Come on Lindsay do your thing I can't. Why not? I just can't. Why not? My back's aching, the sun's too bright My hips are popping from left to right To the left to the right To the left to the right Left, right, left, right Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right Peanut butter in a cup We sing this song to pump us up Bang, bang, choo-choo train Come on Jordan do your thing I can't. [Bridgette And Lindsay] Why not? I just can't. [Bridgette And Lindsay] Why not? My back is aching, this light's too bright My hips are popping from left to right To the left to the right To the left to the right To the left, right, left, right Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right Peanut butter in a cup We sing this song to pump us up Bang, bang, choo-choo train Come on Joan do your thing I can't. [Bridgette And Lindsay] Why not? I just can't. [Bridgette And Lindsay] Why not? My back's aching, this lipstick's too bright My hips keep popping from left to right To the left to the right To the left to the right To the left, right, left, right Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right Peanut butter in a cup We sing this song to pump us up Bang, bang, choo-choo train Come on Brian do your thing (Brian imitates beatbox) Why not? (Brian imitates beatbox) Why not? (Brian imitates beatbox) To the left to the right To the left to the right Left, right, left, right Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right Peanut butter in a cup We sing this song to pump us up Bang, bang, choo-choo train Come on you do your thing (Brian imitates beatbox) Why not? (Brian imitates beatbox) Why not? (Brian imitates beatbox) To the left to the right To the left to the right Left, right, left, right Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right Peanut butter in a cup We sang this song, now we're pumped up Moose (laughs) I'm so pumped up! (moose grunts) Group GoNoodle House Party! (upbeat music) All right GoNoodlers, I hope you enjoyed this pizza party as much as we did. We moved along with the pizza man, we got light on our feet with Blazer Fresh, and it's time for lunch, lunch. Arnstar We even went for a run with Moose Fabio and his favorite pizza topping, meatballs. Moose We did everything except eat the pizza. Where is it? You know, you're right, Fabio. That pizza we ordered never got here. Moose I can't take it anymore! I need to eat something, anything! (sobs) Fabio! Oh, well. Remember man, you can try out any of these challenges you saw us do today. And come back next week for another GoNoodle House Party! (air horn blares) GoNoodle House Party! Yo, one large pie with extra meatballs? Just pay the man. Finally got here. Thanks. Thank you. Thanks, pizza man. Yes, he made it before the pizza party was officially over. You know what? What about Fabio? (crickets chirping) Fabio, Fabio, pizza's here. Fabio, hey, Fabio. I don't know where he went. Oh, well. Stay fresh, GoNoodlers. As fresh as this pizza, later. (upbeat music) Let's see what we got, ooh. (Rasheem laughing) And the cinnamon bites on the side! It's about to go down.