Strengthen Your Focus Page
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Strengthen Your Focus
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Learn how to bring focus to yourself with this calming video.
[MUSIC PLAYING] Staying focused on what you are doing can be so challenging. But when you harness the power of your attention, it can make you stronger and more capable to take on your day. Stand steady in mountain, with your feet about hip width apart, your shoulders relaxed, and your palms facing forward and your body tall. Shift your weight onto your left foot, and slowly lift your right leg off the ground. Bring the sole of your foot onto the inside of your leg, either below or above your knee. Lift your arms. As you work to get steady, let your gaze rest on this dot on the screen. Keep your eyes focused on the spot, and it will help your mind and your body get steady and focused as well. If you find your body wobbling or your attention wandering, just lower your foot down, regain your focus, and then lift back up. Inhale, exhale. Bring your knee back to front. Lower your arms and your foot down to the ground. Now, lift your left foot, and bring it to the inside of your right leg. When you're ready, lift your arms overhead. Inhale, exhale. Let's try a little experiment. As the dot moves around, keep watching it. And notice what happens in your body. Is it harder to stay balanced? If you fall out of this pose, just pause and then pick your foot back up. Lower your foot down and stand in mountain. Come back to tree with your right foot lifted onto your left leg. Lift your arms overhead and stay focused on that green dot, as you find your balance. If the blue dot distracts you and you lose your balance, just place your foot down, focus on the green dot, and lift it back up. Inhale, exhale. Each time you lose focus, notice that you've lost focus, and then bring your attention back to the green dot. You're exercising your focus muscles. Bring your foot to the ground. Pause in mountain pose. Then lift your left foot, and bring it to your right leg. Reach your arms up and feel your foot root into the ground. Get steady, and watch the dot glow on the screen. Inhale, exhale. Come back to stand and bring one hand onto your heart and one onto your belly. Close your eyes or keep them focused on the screen. What are the things that distract you in your life? Throughout the day as you notice those things that try to pull your attention, remember, your focus muscle is strong. [MUSIC PLAYING]