Indoor Recess: Nickelodeon Edition VOLUME 2 Page

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Coach Terry is back with another round of Indoor Recess fun, with your favorite Nickelodeon friends. Get ready for an indoor adventure like no other, complete with krabby patties, fire breathing dragons, and super secret superpowers!
Hi, I'm Coach Terry, and you call me Coach Terry. And you can call this Indoor Recess: Nickelodeon Edition, Volume 2. That's right. The collab so nice, we did it twice. As always, the Indoor Recess gym remains an unstoppable fortress of giggles and wiggles, rain or shine. Today, our good friends from Nickelodeon have accepted the game time challenge of keeping us moving and grooving all recess long. We got Krabby patties. We got bravery and adventure with a side of fire breathing dragon and a superhero spectacular. It's everything I could ever hope for in an indoor recess, or even an outdoor recess, although I never tried one of those myself. All right, y'all. This time, we're taking a plunge down to Bikini Bottom with Squidward, Patrick, Gary, and the sponge himself. That's right, SpongeBob SquarePants! So get ready to dance like a sponge in 3, 2 1. Today, I feel like doing some dancing! That's funny. Even a barnacle knows you need music to dance. Oh, I got music, friend, in my mind! [GONOODLE, "DANCE LIKE A SPONGE"] Are you ready to dance like a sponge? Oh yeah! Here we go, in 3, 2 1 Let's go! (SINGING) Far down below, under the ocean There is a sponge who's always in motion SpongeBob SquarePants, we're going to dance like a sponge No matter what the tide is going to bring Maybe Krabby patties or a jellyfish sting Let's make it the best day and dance it out just like a sponge We're going to have some fun! I'm strong like a sponge I'm brave like a sponge I'm kind like a sponge I'm proud like a sponge Repeat after me, I'm happy to be like a sponge Great job! I'm strong like a sponge I'm brave like a sponge I'm kind like a sponge I'm proud like a sponge Repeat after me, I'm happy to be like a sponge You got it! Sometimes you feel like a fish out of water High five a crab or hug a sea otter Flow with the seaweed and dance it out just like a sponge We're in the same boat as Gary and Patrick Believe in yourself, this sponge is magic Step to the beat, I'm happy to be like a sponge Come on and take the plunge! I'm strong like a sponge I'm brave like a sponge I'm kind like a sponge I'm proud like a sponge Repeat after me, I'm happy to be like a sponge Way to go! Keep going! I'm strong like a sponge I'm brave like a sponge I'm kind like a sponge I'm proud like a sponge Repeat after me, I'm happy to be like a sponge Alright! The thumbs up is an iconic, internationally recognized sign of positivity and affirmation. Boop! I happen to think you can never give too many thumbs up. You can do anything if you dream it Trust in yourself, you've got to believe it Swim your own current and dance it out just like a sponge Come on and take the plunge! I'm strong like a sponge I'm brave like a sponge I'm kind like a sponge I'm proud like a sponge You got it! Repeat after me, I'm happy to be like a sponge Keep going! One more time! I'm strong like a sponge I'm brave like a sponge I'm kind like a sponge I'm proud like a sponge Repeat after me, I'm happy to be like a sponge [CHEERING] Somebody hold my clipboard so I can give this crew of movers and groovers a round of applause And a big ol' bucket of way to go. Woo! Oh, this sand has reminded me of my love of sandcastle architecture. Speaking of castles, I got my favorite knights on deck. Max and the Midknights. Are you ready to join the Midknights on a special quest, and have a rocking good time while doing it? That's what I like to hear, Indoor recess. Let's go! Max and the Midknights, the quest to save Uncle Budrick! Attention, Midknights! Get ready to summon your courage and storm the castle to save Uncle Budrick with Max and the Midknights. Watch out for Bean and Barley, Fendra the Sorceress, and Bruce the Dragon. I need to save Uncle Budrick! [MUSIC PLAYING] Quest 1, Ghastly's Castle. Run, dodge, duck and jump to avoid castle obstacles, but don't let Bean and Barley catch you. Get ready to save the day with Max and the Midknights in 3, 2 1. Let's go! Watch out, it's a golden goblet! Jump! A turkey leg, dodge left! Look out, it's me! Dodge right. You're doing great. Jump over the wooden barrel. A horseshoe? Duck! How'd that get in here? Is that the King's sock puppet? Watch out, Henrietta! Dodge left! Is that Edmond? Dodge right! Jump over the mice! Barley on your right, dodge left! It's King Gastley's crown. Duck! Whew! It looks like we lost them. Great work, Midknights, but we're not finished yet. Quest 2, Fendra's Curse. Watch out for the evil sorceress Fendra. Use your shield to block Fendra's purple lightning bolts. Shields up, Midknights. In 3, 2, 1. Let's go! On your left! On your right! Up high! Down low! On your left again! Look out! Watch out! On your right! Up high! Not today, Fendra. Wow, Midknight, that was electric. Fendra may be no match for your night abilities, but are you ready to join Max and the Midknights for a fiery final quest? Quest 3, Bruce's Mighty Blaze Maze. Bruce the dragon is on the loose! Run through the maze as fast as you can when the torch burns green, slow down for yellow, and freeze for blue or Bruce might turn you into barbecue. Midknights, get ready to run in 3, 2 1. Go! Run! Freeze! Speed up! Faster! Slow down! Slower! Freeze! Now, run as fast as you can! Whew! The coast is clear for now, Midknights. You are quite the brave adventurers. Want to join the Midknights and find out what happens to Uncle Patrick? Go, go, go! Max and the Midknights is on Nickelodeon. [WHISTLE BLOW] I knew you could do it. Way to slay the day, my friends! That was super. Ooh, speaking of super, I have a confession to make. By day, I'm a handsome, enthusiastic indoor recess coach with a heart of gold and an award winning pet rock collection, but by night, I am an unstoppable crime fighting superhero! Woo! Oh, it feels good to finally get it off my chest. So in just a few super seconds, we're going undercover with our favorite super family, the Thundermans. Are you're ready to bring home this indoor recess grand finale Nickelodeon style? Thunderman on 3, 2, 1. Nickelodeon! Nickelodeon presents 100 Super Seconds with the Thundermans. Greetings, GoNoodlers. We're here today to put your super abilities to the test in a super special Thundermans undercover practice mission. Our cover? Counting 100 super seconds. Vice principal Maxtastic here, ready to start the clock. Are you ready? Activate T-force in 3, 2 1. For each level, you can sit down or stand up. First up, Teleportation Twists. I always stretch before teleporting anywhere, so twist it out with me as we count to 30. Raise your arms to each side and twist from left to right at your own pace. Get ready in 3, 2 1. Twist! Here we go. You got this! That's it! Keep going! Yes! You guys are doing great. You're almost there! 10 more seconds! Keep going! A few seconds more. 27, 28, 29, pause! You did it! That was twist-tastic! Next up, Telekinesis Training with Phoebe. In a superhero standoff, I have to be ready to bring the thunder to the T-force. Are you ready to practice your telekinesis? Place your fingers on the ends of your eyebrows and turn from left to right to block objects with your totally awesome telekinesis powers. Let's go, GoNoodle T-force in 3, 2, 1! Let's go! You got this. Here we go! You're doing great! Keep moving things with your mind! That's it! You're almost there! Keep going! A few seconds more! 57, 58, 59, pause! Way to go, T-force! That was mindbending. Now, it's time for the next countdown to 90 with vice principal Max-- uh, I mean, Maxtastic! Woo! We are really heating up now. Let's bring the thunder and practice with some squats or arm circles to get our heat breath powers fired up. Team arm circles, stay seated with your arms out straight to each side and make circles in the air to get your heat breath super powers fired up. Team squats, stand with your feet shoulder width apart and bend your knees like you're about to sit-in a chair in the air layer. Get ready to bring the thunder in 3, 2, 1! Here we go! Let's go! Keep going! Yes! You're doing great. You got it! Keep going! You're almost there! It's all you! 87, 88, 89, pause! Way to go! Blazing victory! Now, get ready to enter the home stretch. We're almost there, Superheroes. Get ready to super sprint to 100 in 3, 2, 1. It's go time! Go, go, go! Amazing job! You got this. 97, 98, 99. You did it. Way to go, T-force. You made it through 100 super seconds of mission practice. All thanks to Maxtastic's fire heat breath skills. Remember, keep moving and grooving every day to stay strong and healthy so you can be ready to tackle any mission. The Thundermans Undercover is on Nickelodeon. That was super! You've really got that special something, GoNoodle. I'm just so proud of you. Might be a little emotional here at the end, but that's OK. It's not goodbye. It's see you later. And, hey, remember to do something nice for your fellow humankind today, GoNoodle. It'll make you feel all warm and fuzzy. Rain or shine, whether recess is outside or inside, recess is a state of mind. If you want more of your favorite Nickelodeon friends, you can watch Max and the Midknights, The Thundermans Undercover, and more on Nickelodeon. Until next time, my friends. Yeehaw!