Let's Go Page

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Let's Go
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Get out of your seat and on your feet! Jogging, squats, knee raises, and side lunges will give you a good workout!
[MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, everybody. This workout's all about the legs. You ready? Let's go. (SINGING) Let's go, let's go Come on, walk it out. (SINGING) --top And we don't stop Come on, come on, come on, come on. (SINGING) Let's go, let's go Take it to the top To the top. (SINGING) And we don't-- Hey. All right, we're going to jog. (SINGING) Let's go, let's go Take it to the top Can you feel that? (SINGING) --we don't stop 'cause-- Knees up. Knees up. Come on, get them high. (SINGING) And we don't stop 'cause it's-- All right, here we go with squats. Let's go. Stay strong. Feel it. All right, knee raise. Raise them up. Raise them up. Raise them up. Come on. Come on. Yeah. You got this. Switch sides. Here we go. (SINGING) Let's go, let's go Yeah (SINGING) Take it to the top To the top. (SINGING) And we don't stop 'cause it's now or-- Come on. Come on. (SINGING) --let's go Take it to the top Yeah. (SINGING) And we don't stop 'cause-- Switch. (SINGING) Let's go Stay strong. All right, guys. Now we're going to hold our knee and balance. You can do it. Switch legs. Don't forget to breathe. (SINGING) Let's go, let's go Take it to the-- You're rocking this. (SINGING) And we don't stop-- All right, let's march. (SINGING) Let's go-- March it out. (SINGING) Take it to the top-- March it out (SINGING) And we don't stop 'cause it's now-- We're going to lunge to the side. Here we go. Hey. Hey. Hey. To the side. To the side. To the side. Come on. Come on. Double time. Come on, I want to see you guys move it. Hey. Can you feel that? Couple more guys. Come on. You got this. (SINGING) And we don't stop 'cause it's now-- Come on. (SINGING) Let's go-- Almost there. (SINGING) Take it to the top Come on. (SINGING) And we don't stop 'cause it's now Let's go Here we go. Here we go. Come on. I know it's burning, but you got this. All right. Great job, everybody. I hope you're energized and not too sweaty. Let's take a second and cool down. Breathe in and out. And in and out. All right. I hope you have an awesome day. Fresh Start, out.