Let's Unwind Page
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Let's Unwind
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Practice unwinding your body and thoughts so you feel relaxed and happy inside and out.
[MUSIC PLAYING] Let's unwind. Sometimes we feel like we're wound up tight on the inside, maybe in our bodies, in our thoughts, in our feelings. We can actually let go of that extra energy right now. Let's unwind. We'll practice together. Stand tall with a little space around you. We'll wind up first. Start by making fists. Maybe cross some fingers, then make fists. Are they wound up tight? Now let's unwind. Spread your fingers. Palms down. Circle your thumbs and only your thumbs slow or fast, around and around. Unwind. Ready? Now circle your fingers. Thumbs are still. Just your fingers circle together around and around. Switch directions. Unwind. Ready for more circles, more unwinding? Make fists and circle at your wrist. You're unwinding one way and now unwinding the other way. Slower, faster, it's up to you. Unwind for 3, 2, and 1. Let's do elbows. Check the space around you. You're going to need some elbow room. Elbows wide. Hands up. Your palms are facing forward. Elbows stay where they are, shoulder height. Forearms and hands will circle, like on the face of a clock. Our hands ready? 1 o'clock to 2 o'clock and to the side for 3 o'clock. Concentrate. Around and down to 6 o'clock, up to 9:00, and finish where we started, 12 o'clock. One more time around this way, clockwise. Unwind. Circle the other way together-- 9 o'clock, 6 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 12 o'clock. Unwind. Try going around in different directions. Start at 12:00, and go. When you notice that you feel less wound up, you'll know it. All that circling can help us unwind. Can you feel that? Pause. Reach high. Reach, reach, reach. Inhale there. And when you were ready, slowly breathe out as you float your arms down. Rest your hands. Let your arms hang. Close your eyes, if you wish. And notice what you feel on the inside. Not so tight? Not so wound up? Rest for another moment. Enjoy this soft and settled feeling. Unwound. [MUSIC PLAYING]