High 5, Champ: Strength Level 1 Page

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First things first, let’s start with some inchworms in this Strength level 1 exercise with McPufferson, brought to you by Special Olympics.
High 5 Champ, Strength level 1. Hey, [? go ?] noodlers. McPufferson here. Are you ready to grow big and strong with our athlete friends from Special Olympics? Cool. Me too. Before we get our muscles pumping, remember that healthy bodies eat, drink, and move. That means eating from all five food groups every day, especially fruits and vegetables. Drinking at least one bottle of water every day. And moving for 60 minutes or more every day too. Now, are you ready? Let's go. All right, team, are you ready to do inchworms? Fun fact-- inch worms aren't worms. They're caterpillars. Which means that when they grow up, they turn into moths and fly. Are you ready to grow big and strong like an inchworm? Start with your feet shoulder width apart. Now, put your hands on the floor in front of you, and walk them forward, until you can't go any further. Now, walk your feet forward to meet your hands, just like that. We'll do 30 seconds, and go. That's it. You can do it. Oh, nice technique. Fantastic form. Oh, you're halfway done. I bet you're really feeling the burn, and 3, 2, 1, good work, inchworm. You crushed level one. Now, it's time for level two. Can you feel the burn, because I can. See you next time, and remember to eat-- Drink-- And move. High 5 Champ. [MUSIC PLAYING]