What When Where Page
Level 2/5Flash BoltonClassroom bot
What When Where
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Narrator The Champiverse! What do you say Who Touch your shoe When you see What What hot hot What you say? Where Whip you hair When you see When Bend When you say Why Come on fly Who Shoe who who who What Hot hot hot what Where Hair Whip your hair in the air When Bend do it again Why Fly in the classroom sky Wooo Faster Who Shoe who who hoo What Hot what hot hot Where Hair Whip your hair in the air When Bend do it again Why Fly in the classroom sky Weeeee Even faster now Who Shoe whowhohoo What Hot hot hot what Where Hair Whip your hair whip your hair in the air When Bend do it again Why fly In the classroom sky Weeee Faster as ever now Who Shoe who who who What Hot hot hot hot what Where hair Whip your hair whip your hair in the air When Bend do it again Why Fly in the classroom sky Wooooo (laughing) Wait. How?