Don't Read Like A Robot Page

Level 2/5Flash BoltonClassroom bot
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Sing, dance, and practice reading with EXPRESSION with this funky song!
[AUDIO LOGO] (ROBOTIC) Don't read like a robot. Let me tell you a little story, folks. So I was chilling in class and minding my biz when my teacher, she calls on me. Oh, no. She says, it's your turn to read aloud. Then like an icy pop, I freeze. When I open my mouth to speak the words, my tongue is in a knot. Do I read with expression? Not even close. I sound like a robot. (ROBOTIC) Did you know that tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur? And my teacher said, flip a switch and read it like this. Did you know that tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur? Who knew? Did you know that tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur? Got it! You gotta read with expression. OK. Yes, read with expression. I got it. Come on, and read with expression. I'm going to do it. Come on. Next day, I was lounging in my room, and my mom knocked right on my door. Knock, knock. She said, you got a letter from Gramps. He's with Grams in El Salvador. Oh, really? I went to read the letter to myself, but my mom opened up her lips. She said, why not read the letter out loud? I want to hear about their trip. Aw, man. (ROBOTIC) Hello, Sonny. We're having a blast. Grandma and I went skydiving. And my mom said, flip a switch, and read it like this. Hello, Sonny. We're having a blast. Grandma and I went skydiving. Hello, Sonny. We're having a blast. Grandma and I went skydiving. You gotta read with expression. Yes, read with expression. I'm going to do it. Come on, and read with expression. Come on. At school the next day, I tried out for the play, and I really wanted the main part. Really, really. I practiced the lines over and over again. I was nervous. Oh, man, my heart. When it was my turn on stage to read for the role, all the blood rushed to my head. Whoa! My tongue twisted up. My knees started to shake. You couldn't hear a word I said. True that. (ROBOTIC) I'm sitting on a tack. I'm sitting on a tack. Ah, help. I'm sitting on a tack. And my director said, flip a switch, and read it like this! I'm sitting on a tack. I'm sitting on a tack. Ah! Help! I'm sitting on a tack. I'm going to try it. I'm sitting on a tack. I'm sitting on a tack. Ah! Help! I'm sitting on a tack. Ouch. You gotta read with expression. Yes, read with expression. Come on, and read with expression. Now, when I read anything out loud, I do it with passion and flair. He does. No more mumbly words and silly murmurs. I'm chill, not all crazy and scared. He's chill. I used to read like a robot. (ROBOTIC) All my words sound exactly the same. That's true. But now, I read with expression. Yo, that's my claim to fame. Go on. Because I read with expression. Oh, yes, I read with expression. I'm going to read with expression. I do. You gotta read with expression. Yes, read with expression. I do. Come on and read with expression. Hey, I learned. (ROBOTIC) Anybody want a peanut? I'll take it.