How Do You Use GoNoodle? Autism Awareness Month Edition
The GoNoodle team has partnered with our amazing Teacher Ambassadors to share their stories and experiences in the classroom to increase understanding and acceptance of people with autism. ~ Sitaara Jones

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a brain-based disorder that is characterized by social-communication challenges and restricted and repetitive behaviors, activities, and interests. In 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that one in 44 eight-year-old children were identified with autism, a rise from the one in 54 rate announced the year prior.
Each April, people around the world pause to spread knowledge while acknowledging autism spectrum disorder during Autism Awareness Month. This year, the GoNoodle team has partnered with our amazing Teacher Ambassadors to share their stories and experiences in the classroom to provide opportunities to increase understanding and acceptance of people with autism.
GoNoodle is dedicated to creating a world where people with autism can reach their full potential, and where the people that support them have the knowledge and tools that they need to feel empowered. We hope that sharing these teacher experiences and a special quote from each of them can help do just that!
Meet Karina Tran!

Location: Fullerton, California
Classroom Details: I’ve been teaching for 19 years! Currently, I teach K-1 Special Education and work with students with severe physical and intellectual disabilities.
Tips for teachers/parents working with diverse learners: Music is definitely a universal language! Our students definitely need sensory breaks throughout the day to destress and recharge. It's important to provide students with movement breaks with trampolines and music, but also calm corners where they can rest. My students also love sensory boxes with different textures and materials that they can explore.
“With our students, we need to see the Able and not the Label. Keep expectations high for everyone and we can all achieve success!”
Meet Matthew Shinn!

Location: Rancho Cucamonga, CA.
Classroom Details: I have been teaching for 4 years at a public school.I’ve previously worked at an Autism program as an aide/assistant teacher. I teach 3-5th SDC. My class consists of students with diverse learning styles: Specific Learning disabilities, Intellectual Disability, Emotional Disability, Autism, and ADHD.
Tips for parents/teachers working with diverse learners: PATIENCE! Take time to build rapport with the students. They will love learning when they know you respect them; creating a safe, nurturing environment.
"Tell your students you love them. They don’t hear it enough."
Meet Dawnell Bonsangue!

Location: Laguna Niguel, California
Classroom Details: I am an Education Specialist in a Structured Autism Class (SAC). This is my 4th year teaching a Structured Autism Class (SAC grades 3-5). All of my students are on the autism spectrum, moderate-severely impacted.
Both in my classroom and in my personal life, I use GoNoodle with diverse learners. My daughter is on the autism spectrum, so finding meaningful material for her has always been a pathway for me.
Tips for teachers: Individualize materials and lessons to meet the student where they are. Find the gaps in learning early, and make course corrections to build upon skills already mastered. Meet the kids where they are. Keep learning interesting and fun.
Tips for parents: Praise the positive, and ignore the negative. If your child is getting praise and validation for the good things they do, they will want to continue making you proud and will make good choices more often. If you focus and harp on the negative, you can hurt a child's spirit and they might give up on trying to do the right thing. Model what you expect your child to do; don't assume your child knows the correct thing to do in every situation.
"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."
Meet Megan Bailey!

Location: Amelia County, Virginia.
Classroom Details: I’ve been teaching the first grade for three years. I teach in what our school calls a “collab” class. I coteach with a special education teacher. Our class is a mix of students receiving general education and special education.
Tips and resources: We use GoNoodle many times throughout the day. We use the breathing exercises to help us calm our minds and focus on learning. One other resource we use in our classroom is having a calm down area where students can go when they are disregulated. We also use fidgets and comfort items (stuffed animals) for students to feel safe during the day.
"Some students come to school ready to learn and some students come to school ready to be loved."
Meet Marissa Martinez!

Location: San Antonio, Texas
Classroom Details: I currently am a proud 3rd grade teacher and I am in my 13th year of teaching. My Title 1 classroom is a vivacious, diverse, and inclusive classroom where students from various backgrounds and demographics come to create, collaborate, and cultivate a love of learning together.
Tips and resources: One of the biggest things I’ve learned and been told is that relationships matter in your classroom. GoNoodle has the ability to help teachers connect with their students. Get up, do the brain breaks with your students, encourage their families to use them at home and join them. I use GoNoodle to help with social and emotional learning skills. My students benefit from GoNoodle’s Flow, Think About It, and various breathing videos that help them to relax, calm their bodies, and regain their ability to focus.
"To all my amazing teachers out there, I know the past 2 years have been challenging for all of us. We have overcome so much and kept going. You all are amazing, strong, and inspirational- Keep going! We are almost there! Pretty soon the students that you have will be leaving you for the next grade- cherish these days, have fun with them, and give yourself a little grace."
Meet Charles Allen!

Location: Sarasota County, Florida
Classroom Details: I have been teaching music for 32 years. I teach K-5 General Music and Little Kid’s Rock Modern Band. I have a wide range of general education students along with Gifted, ESE and students with Autism.
How I use GoNoodle in my room: I use GoNoodle for general music K-3. For students with varying exceptionalities. and Autism I use GoNoodle K-5. Each class has their own Champ that they work with. The dance videos are perfect for teaching steady beat, coordination, vocals and choreography. My students with autism really LOVE GoNoodle. They come into my classroom asking if we are going to do GoNoodle every time they come to music.
Tips for parents/teachers working with diverse learners: Create a clear routine for the students, but also be as flexible as possible to change plans ASAP if needed. Keep the activities short and then move on.
Here’s to those who are tired yet hopeful. To those who have lost their light but are trying hard to find it again. Remember YOU ARE TALENTED. YOU ARE WORTHY. YOU ARE MAGICAL!